Okay, first chapter with the new title, but not technically the first chapter of the story. Features the Slytherin Moped Gang, back together for one night only!
In other news, I have decided to make a list of all the names you've given Voldemort.
Guy-With-Way-Too-Many-Nicknames Master of Snakes and Moron Who Doesn’t Listen to His Own Warnings Fearsome-One-Once-Known-As-Tom Master Overlord He-Who-Can’t-Be-Named-Because-He-Hasn’t-Thought-of-One-Yet Mr. Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Bringer-Home-of-the-Bacon Dark Lord of Mistreating Texts Master of the Mysteries of the Dark Self-Proclaimed Evilest Man Who Ever Eviled EVER He-Who-Has-No-Concept-Of-Personal-Space
Also, I would like to say (after re-reading the chapters to find these names), that I rather like how you made Moody use "Constant Vigilance!" as a swear. And James telling Voldemort and the Death Eaters to get off his lawn was very amusing as well.
Re: The New Broadway Hit!evadne_noelMarch 3 2006, 20:16:01 UTC
I'd go see a Voldemort themed Broadway musical. I mean, think of the extra humilation that would heap on him. Every potential genocidal xenophobe needs a musical. Maybe that would point out just how eff-ed up they are.
I want this fic synthesised into liquid form so that it came be injected directly into my veins.
"A pair of imitation Adidas to be exact." *random Chinese product placement? AHAHA!*
"He also had an expression that, if vocalized, would have translated into a sing-songy, “Look what I’ve got!”"
"It was Harry’s turn to smirk. “He’s just jealous that I have hair and he doesnARRRRGH!”"
"“There is an excess of doors in this room,” he remarked."
Um...yeah. As if you NEEDED to hear a paraphrased version of the chapter. I'll just go ahead and give you one anyway. There were several more lines I could quote (Blaise's one about awkward things, and Harry asking "It's mostly surreal. Have you ever been in a room with Draco's father for more than ten minutes?" spring immediately to mind).
Can you get carpet burns from slipping off a chair laughing too many times? You need to add that to your warnings. "May induce carpet burns."
Actually, I really like to hear what lines people liked best and see how they match up to my favorite bits. I will admit that Harry's "He's just jealous line" was the first line of this fic I wrote.
Ouch, carpet burns. I don't have a carpet, so I'd probably just be left with bruises.
wow. absolutely funny and laugh inducing as usual. and you really do have a knack for thinking up names for people.
about your queen susan icon, i took a test to tell you which character from narnia you were, and i'm peter the magnificent, so we should form a club!!!
Comments 63
“Yes,” interrupted Voldemort. “This is Merak Black.”
“Okay,” said Draco, “that wasn’t what I was going to say at all.”
I rather liked that as well as this:
“Merak, please give your regards to Misters Malfoy, Zabini, Nott, Crabbe, Goyle and…that young man next to Malfoy who’s name I don’t recall.”
And the lines others have already mentioned.
Voldemort, I swear, gets the best lines whenever Snape is not present.
In other news, I have decided to make a list of all the names you've given Voldemort.
Master of Snakes and Moron Who Doesn’t Listen to His Own Warnings
Master Overlord
Mr. Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do
Dark Lord of Mistreating Texts
Master of the Mysteries of the Dark
Self-Proclaimed Evilest Man Who Ever Eviled EVER
Also, I would like to say (after re-reading the chapters to find these names), that I rather like how you made Moody use "Constant Vigilance!" as a swear. And James telling Voldemort and the Death Eaters to get off his lawn was very amusing as well.
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Okay, maybe not failing, because now I see him singing with the Death Eaters in a big chanting chorus behind him. IN HARMONY.
I like inventing titles for Voldemort (and Susan), but I usually don't do it for real people. I should start though. It would be fun.
But, insensitive. Yes.
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(I deny the existence of that old fanfic.)
(even the part with Snape and his booth, yelling at the Slytherin kids? always was my favourite part.)
"A pair of imitation Adidas to be exact." *random Chinese product placement? AHAHA!*
"He also had an expression that, if vocalized, would have translated into a sing-songy, “Look what I’ve got!”"
"It was Harry’s turn to smirk. “He’s just jealous that I have hair and he doesnARRRRGH!”"
"“There is an excess of doors in this room,” he remarked."
Um...yeah. As if you NEEDED to hear a paraphrased version of the chapter. I'll just go ahead and give you one anyway. There were several more lines I could quote (Blaise's one about awkward things, and Harry asking "It's mostly surreal. Have you ever been in a room with Draco's father for more than ten minutes?" spring immediately to mind).
Can you get carpet burns from slipping off a chair laughing too many times? You need to add that to your warnings. "May induce carpet burns."
Ouch, carpet burns. I don't have a carpet, so I'd probably just be left with bruises.
about your queen susan icon, i took a test to tell you which character from narnia you were, and i'm peter the magnificent, so we should form a club!!!
We should have a royalty of furniture kingdoms club!
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