(no subject)

May 29, 2007 23:44


I feel like a traitor actually backing my journal up since I tend to think of this sort of chicken-littling as the necessary cycle of our society (the society being fandom). There’s always some Great New Terror, and I think this situation is very much like that. I’ve actually been thinking for the last year or so that lj has run its course as the platform for fandom. We’ve all become so lazy and set in our ways. *fandom hag bullshit that bores even me*

Anyway, but I did back up my journal. Mainly that’s because *I* am supremely lazy and don’t have an archive for my fic anymore off lj since I was bahleted by my host. I suppose I should have backed the crap up a long time ago.

I am sort of vacillating between sighing at all of this and thinking that maybe we should move en masse to another place that is more conducive to our way of life than lj is/is becoming/will be. Living in a state of constant paranoia and fright really isn’t a fun hobby. I’d much rather amscray to greatestjournal or whatever other, better, service is on the horizon than have to keep running around worried that everything I’ve written will be TOSed because it’s gay/non-con/French/furry sex. It’s all so ludicrous and reminds me of when rps used to be on pw protected sites. LAME.

It’s amusing that all of this TOSing and lj letting down the home team happens to come just as the whole “legitimization” of fandom is happening through Fanlib. I don’t know which is more ludicrous, honestly. Paying people to write fanfic is SMART, asking people to provide you free content and you making money from it and the creators not: lame. In the same vein, lj failing to protect the very subscribers who made them coming at the same time that fandom as a holistic entity has decided to not be ashamed of our porn and rock out with serious geek-pride is ill-timed. It’s a shame because a lot of fandom doesn’t know OF fandom pre-lj so they are very attached to the medium. I wonder how long it will take for folks to turn on the platform if the bahletions continue. Maybe it’s a case of the children eating the parents and the creation of a whole new world anyway.

We really were getting pretty settled into lj. Maybe we can rethink our whole enterprise a bit, rattle the bones some and see if the way we’ve gotten used to really is the only way things can be.

Fandom loves drama, loves harshing on drama, and loves the synthesis of the whole drama-drama hating dialectic. Maybe this will make us better in the end, cull some of the chaff.

I can pretend.

ETA: spoilers for BTVS S8 comics in comments (haha, like anyone cares, but just in case you're the one nutcase, DON'T READ).
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