Title: All Ripe For Dreamin’
essenceofmeaninRating/Characters/WC: R for language, Sam & Dean (gen), 1,100
A/N: This story is for
minkmix, Dean POV during Sam's nightmares in s1. Sam has bad dreams -- Dean doses him with sleeping pills, and frets.
Beta'd by
girlguidejones and
Disclaimer: The boys belong to the CW.
“So, this one time, Dad and I were driving along blasting Zeppelin IV. And outta nowhere during Fool in the Rain he turns to me and he says, ‘Dean, that’s the only acceptable use of a steel drum I’ve ever heard.’” )
Comments 68
Favorite lines:
He figures it’s probably a byproduct of a childhood spent as Dad’s baby monitor, but it’s true.
Great description. I’m sure John relied heavily on Dean during those early years without even realizing it.
Dean’s not sleeping much; the noises that come out of Sam make his stomach hurt,
Oh, boys.
His face gets all screwed up like when he was a kid and Dad was trying to feed him something he didn’t like.
Great analogy. Also: Poor Sam!
It makes Dean itch; it makes him want to kill something.
Yeah, having Sam hurting so much will never be easy for Dean to witness, especially when he feels he can’t do very much about it.
He doesn’t remember crawling into Sammy’s crib every night for weeks after the fire, but he’s got Dad’s ( ... )
It's a great feeling when fics do that, isn't it? :)
Only thing is, this fic made me really sleepy.
(The comment has been removed)
The teeny changes are perfect. Yaye! Go you!
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