Oh no D: D: Poor alligator lizard :C :C If your brother isn't taking care of it you should just let it go in the nearest park or something, alligator lizards are relatively needy animals and need a lot of proper food :C Tell your brother it escaped and save its life! Or if you're determined to keep it, at least put a piece of bark in that box since it has nowhere to hide and is probably going to stress itself to death in a few days.
there is only one teeny tiny problem. Chancla's front arms don't work (well, one of them kind of does) and it moves with it's rear legs. I'm... scared of letting it into the wild and dying D: D: D:
Pobre Chancla, jálale las orejas a tu carnal o de plano adóptalo tú. Eso me hicieron a mí con mis tortugas, jeje (pero tenía como 9 años XD). Se ve super chida la bolsa *__* Yo quiero mis Engelen Convers D: Pero no tengo dinero. :D Algún día!!
Y deberías ir al torneo aunque pierdas, igual te diviertes y te sirve de práctica. ;) ¿El judogi es la ropa? ?_? o qué?
Comments 4
there is only one teeny tiny problem. Chancla's front arms don't work (well, one of them kind of does) and it moves with it's rear legs. I'm... scared of letting it into the wild and dying D: D: D:
Y deberías ir al torneo aunque pierdas, igual te diviertes y te sirve de práctica. ;) ¿El judogi es la ropa? ?_? o qué?
el judogi es el uniforme/traje/cosa =D
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