Title: Picture of Innocence
enchanted_jaeTeam: Aurors
Characters: Harry/Draco, Isabelle
Rating: PG
Warning(s): One rotten kitten
Word count: 100
Challenge: #39 - amazement
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: This is a gift for
lietothedevil for making the Tau!icon above. Prompt given was window.
Summary: Isabelle has been left home alone for several hours.
It was the first time Harry and Draco had left Isabelle alone for so long, and it was with trepidation that they returned home, wondering what mischief the energetic kitten may have caused in their absence.
Since she had arrived, Isabelle had scratched the furniture, overturned the trash, broken glassware, dug up plants, and made a general nuisance of herself. It was fortunate she was adorable, or she would have been transfigured into a goldfish long ago.
They stepped inside, alert for any broken glass or ruined plants. Instead, to their amazement, Isabelle was innocently sleeping on the window seat.
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