Breast Laid Plans

Dec 28, 2021 18:57

I'm taking a break from my Yuletide verse to update one of my annual holiday series.

Title: Breast Laid Plans Part of my Tinsel and Mistletoe verse. Can be read as a stand-alone.
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco, ocs
Rating: R
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 470
Summary: Harry and Draco are eager for their annual Polyjuice role-play.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Jae's Advent Drabbles No. 28 - Tinsel & Mistletoe
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2021 No. 28 - Mistletoe
newyearcntdown New Year's Countdown Challenge, Day 28 - Mistletoe

Harry sipped his Sex on the Beach and smiled in satisfaction. This year's holiday party was a huge success. No surprise there; an invitation to Harry and Draco's annual gala was much sought after.

Harry caught Draco's eye across the lounge and winked at him. For the hosts, the real treat came after the party, when they dropped the purloined hairs of certain members of their staff into Polyjuice cocktails and spent an enjoyable hour in naughty role play. This year, Harry had nicked a hair from Mike's coat. Mike was a former stripper, stage name Mistletoe, who was still remarkably fit. Draco had said he was going to snag a hair from Barry, aka Blitzen.

Harry couldn't wait.

In the meantime, however, there was a party to host. Mistletoe and Blitzen were tending the open bar, while Tinsel, Holly, and Vixen circulated among the guests with trays of nibbles and festive cocktails.

"Smoked-salmon canapé, Mr Potter?"

"Thank you, Veronica," said Harry, calling Vixen by her actual name.

Draco made his way over to Harry and clinked their glasses together. "Our party is another smashing success."

"It will be even more smashing later," Harry said in a low voice, for Draco's ears only. They shared cheeky grins and separated to mingle with their guests.


Once the guests had left and the staff were dismissed, Harry and Draco raced up the stairs to their bedroom. They quickly undressed, Draco poured two cups of the Polyjuice potion he'd brewed, and each of them dropped a hair into his cup. Harry gritted his teeth and knocked his back, grimacing at the terrible taste and the remolding of his body. He opened his eyes to find himself looking over at...Vixen.

"Bugger," said Harry. He clapped a hand over his mouth. His voice had sounded high and feminine. Harry whirled to look in the mirror. "Bloody buggering hell!"

Harry had accidentally nicked one of Holly's hairs.

Across the room, Draco giggled. Harry plowed a hand through his long, soft hair, then did it again just because it felt nice. He sighed. "Now what?"

"It would be a shame to waste the Polyjuice," said Vixen, approaching with a sassy sway of her hips.

"Er, we don't have the faintest idea what ladies get up to in the bedroom with one another."

"Maybe not, but we can experiment. Come on, Harry, er Holly, it might be fun."

Harry thought it over for a moment, then threw his hands in the air. "Yeah, sure, why not?" He moved to the bed and flung himself across it. "Ouch. My, uh, my breasts." He rolled over and rubbed his chest.

"Here, let me do that for you," offered Vixen.

" feels good, actually."

"See? We can make this work."

"Mm...yes...I mean, okay, but...ooh! But let's be more careful next year."

Topping Tinsel

challenge: jae's advent, content: role play, content: polyjuice, comm: newyearcntdown, content: established relationship, verse: tinsel and mistletoe, rating: r, content: humor, content: femmeslash, challenge: dh100 special challenge, content: potions mishap

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