Relieved Release

Nov 29, 2015 20:51

Title: Relieved Release
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sexual activity, cross-dressing
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 1450
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Slightly late birthday gift for xchubbycheeks, who asked for Club Coquette
♦ Slightly early birthday gift for oogies4u, who also requested Club Coquette and prompted me with vibrating butt plug
Summary: Draco experiences exquisite torture and relieved release.

After their performance behind the screens, Draco and his lover returned to Zee's private suite. There, they enjoyed a late dinner together, followed by another rousing shag in Zee's massive bed.

In the early morning hours, before dawn, Draco began gathering the scattered items of his costume so he could dress and return home.

"Must you leave?" Zee murmured from the rumpled bed.

The temptation to stay was nearly Draco's undoing. He had to will himself to step into his stockings and fasten his skirt. "I plan to come back tomorrow night, or later tonight, I reckon," said Draco. "That is, if you'll be here?"

"I wouldn't miss it for anything, Cinderella," said Zee. He sat up, and the blankets dropped to pool at his groin.

Draco's eyes were drawn to his lover's bare chest, and his cock stirred beneath his skirt. He forced himself to turn away and shrug into his corset. Warm arms wrapped around Draco from behind, and a hard cock frotted slowly against his arse.

"Will you do me a favor, Cinderella?"

"Anything," Draco whispered. He would bend over and let Zee fuck him, he would suck his lover's cock...anything.

"Take your mask off."

Draco's spine stiffened, and Zee laughed behind him.

"Relax, Cinderella," said Zee. "I'm only teasing. I wanted to see how far anything would go, but I can tell from your reaction that you aren't yet ready to reveal yourself to me." He released Draco and turned him around.

Draco stepped into Zee's embrace, wrapped his arm around him, and pinched Zee's naked bum.


"You deserved that," Draco sniffed.

"Yes, I reckon I did," Zee responded with a rueful chuckle. He moved away and walked across the bedroom, unconcerned with his nudity. Zee opened a drawer, withdrew a box, and returned to Draco's side.

"I want you to wear this tomorrow night," he said.

Draco took the box and lifted the lid. Nestled inside a bed of tissue paper was a sex toy. "You bought me a plug?" asked Draco.

Zee nodded. "Will you wear it for me?"

"Of course," Draco replied. He leaned forward and thanked his lover with a kiss.


Before getting dressed the next evening, Draco inserted the plug that Zee had given him. Considering how many of the toys he'd lost to his lover's collection, it seemed only fitting that Draco should receive one as a gift from Zee.

Draco dressed in his usual costume, but he substituted his red corset for a green one, and he spelled the red feathers on his mask to match. Draco stepped into his enlarged fireplace and emerged in the lobby of Club Coquette. He endured some catcalls, but no one tried to grab or grope him. Draco wondered if it was becoming known that he only ever came here to pull Zee.

Draco passed through the open French doors and into the garden. He smiled when he saw his lover waiting for him. Draco's steps quickened, along with his pulse. Before he got to Zee, however, the plug he'd inserted began to vibrate. Draco gasped, and his knees went weak.

Zee swooped forward and caught Draco up in his powerful arms. "Gotcha!" he cried cheerfully.

Draco's cock was throbbing, and he couldn't help but thrust his hips forward, seeking some relief. Abruptly, the plug stopped vibrating. Draco blinked at Zee from behind his mask. "You," he rasped, then paused to clear his throat. "You diabolical fiend."

Zee had the gall to laugh. "I thought you would enjoy your new toy," he said. "You may thank me for it later. For now, let's go have dinner."

"Dinner?" Draco repeated faintly. All he wanted right now was sex.


Zee took Draco to the fine restaurant that was attached to the club. They had dined here before, only to shag as soon as they stepped outside again. Draco wasn't sure he could hold out even that long. He'd learned that Zee had a remote control for the vibrating plug, and Zee had surprised Draco by turning it on a few times as they'd walked to the restaurant. Draco was so aroused, he hurt, but it seemed that Zee wasn't done tormenting him yet.

Draco couldn't concentrate on the menu, and he eventually told Zee to order for both of them. He took a drink of wine and set his glass down. The plug buzzed inside of him, and Draco bit the inside of his cheek and moaned.

"Is something amiss, Cinderella?"

Draco tried to glare at his amused lover, but he failed miserably. Glaring was difficult when his lip was stuck out in a pout, and his eyelids were fluttering. "I'm only hungry for you," Draco tried. He was rewarded when Zee's pupils expanded, but Zee was not so easily swayed.

"Patience, Cinderella," he tutted. "I will see to your needs in time."

The plug vibrated again, and Draco gasped and grasped the edge of the table. Other diners turned to look, but most were involved with their own partners.

Dinner was torture. Draco automatically lifted food to his mouth, chewed and swallowed, but he had no idea what he was eating. Periodically, the toy he'd inserted earlier would pulse inside of him, leaving him squirming in his seat and hoping for release.

When Zee finally pushed his chair back and drew Draco up to stand, Draco's legs threatened to give way. "Can you walk, or shall I summon a carriage?" asked Zee.

Before Draco could respond, his plug hummed again. He moaned and swayed against Zee, grasping at his lover's shirt to keep from dropping to the floor.

"A carriage it is, then," chirped Zee. He walked Draco out of the restaurant, summoned one of the horse-drawn conveyances, and helped Draco to step up into it.

Draco sat down and reached for his cock. He'd barely given himself two strokes before Zee's hand stayed his own.

"None of that now," scolded Zee. "I'll take care of you in my suite."

It was the longest ride of Draco's life, although in reality, it took less than five minutes. Zee kept bombarding him with intense vibrations, until Draco crawled onto his lap where he writhed and frotted. When they reached their destination, Zee assisted Draco from the carriage, and took him inside.

Once in the lift, Draco nearly attacked Zee when his plug vibrated again. By now, his cock was aching, and his rim was clenching spasmodically around the slender toy inside of him. Draco clung to Zee as they walked to his suite, and when Zee opened the door and ushered Draco inside, Draco released his inner animal and pounced.

Zee yelped as Draco drove him back to the sofa and knocked him down on it. Draco fumbled with his lover's flies, cursing as his shaking fingers slowed him down. When he succeeded in opening Zee's trousers, Draco shoved his hand inside and clasped Zee's hard cock. Zee moaned, and he thrust up. Draco withdrew Zee's cock and moved to straddle his lover. He reached back and rucked his skirt up, then reached farther and took hold of the handle of his plug. It startled him by vibrating again.

Draco groaned and pulled it out. He tossed the toy aside, positioned Zee's cock, and sank onto it with a grateful sigh. Draco didn't pause to savor the stretch and burn of penetration; he began to move immediately. Zee's infernal plug had driven Draco to the brink of lustful madness, and now all he could do was strive for relief.

Draco's hips rose and fell as he rode his lover. Zee tried to reach for him, but Draco was having none of it. He pushed Zee's hands away and increased his pace. Draco wrapped his fingers around his throbbing cock and stroked himself. He bore down on Zee and twisted his hips, repeating the motion until he flung his head back and climaxed with a wild cry.

Draco collapsed onto Zee, spent and shaking.

Warm hands caressed his back. "I feel so used," Zee chuckled.

Draco managed a snort. "Shut it," he mumbled. "It's your own fault, you know."

"I had no idea I would create such a sex-starved monster," said Zee. He shifted beneath Draco, sending quivers through Draco's replete body. Zee sat up and tossed Draco on his back, losing penetration. He grasped Draco's trembling thighs and spread them wide. Zee claimed the space between Draco's legs and sank into his velvety heat once more.

They both groaned.

"You've had your fun, Cinderella," Zee growled. "It's my turn now." He lurched into motion, pounding his hard cock into Draco's tender hole, again and again, until Zee stiffened above Draco and pulsed inside of him.

It was Zee who slumped onto Draco this time.

Draco relished the weight of his lover pinning him to the sofa. He smoothed a hand up and down Zee's back, enjoying the silky material of Zee's shirt beneath his fingers.

"Are you going to fall asleep on me?" Draco asked in a teasing tone.

"Not bloody likely," Zee shot back. "I'm resting up for round two."

Sumptuous Sensation

content: use of toy(s), content: sofa sex, verse: club coquette, rating: nc17, content: foreplay, content: bottoming from the top, content: ust, content: cross dressing, gift: birthday, content: partially clothed sex

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