Title: Leaving Dean Pairing/Characters: Dean/Sam Rating: NC17 Spoilers: None Summary: The brothers are separated on a hunt that goes badly Notes/Warnings: Read the disclaimer on my LJ
I love descriptions so good and real that they give me a mental picture. My favorite mental images from this are Dean's hair stained dark with blood and various stuff being washed down the drain. Nice. ^_^
This is Skeet in a "comedy" called Chilly Dogs. He looks like such a geek (besides still being hot) that I thought it was a perfect image to illustrate my pleased reaction to fanfic, heehee. Little joke there; reading fanfic isn't geeky! ¬_¬ Look at that bowtie.
Thanks! I really wanted only one line of dialogue in the whole fic ("Sammy!"), but Dean - while reasonably taciturn at times - wouldn't go to sleep without saying that IMHO so I had to finish it off that way.
Thank you! That would be very kind of you. I've written about 20 SPN fic, but they pretty much get ignored in the fandom (save Cake and Presents which somehow wrangled a Crack Impala rec, leaving me speechless). I wrote about 25,000 words of SPN in August and got almost no comments so I was discouraged from the fandom for a while, but now that it's back on I can't stay away.
Thanks, hon! Wow, I should write more SPN if it brings you back over to my LJ! But for the moment I'm writing Bones. Think that will bring Molly or Dira around? ;-) /curses the black hole of bandom/
Comments 47
And gah! That icon frightens me! So scarily geeky...
I've got about 20 SPN fic and about 300 Numb3rs fic.
I'd say you're safe. /grins/
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