Hello Yesterday 1/?

Dec 20, 2014 16:33

Chapter 1


A hand grabbed his shoulder and the following shaking sent jolts of pain up through his skull. Weakly he tried to swat the hand away but whoever it belonged to was persistent.

"Sammy, wake up." The voice insisted and he blinked his eyes open. At least he tried to. His eyelids were heavy and he wasn't sure if this was worth the effort, he would like to go back to sleep instead. He wanted to get away from the bright light that was piercing through the small slits that had to count as open eyes, away from the loud voice and the shaking that still went through his body. Going back to unconsciousness where nothing hurt, that sounded like a plan.
He let his eyes drop close but that seemed to be the wrong move.

"Hey, hey, no sleeping." The hand left his shoulder and he sighed in relief but that was short lived. Seconds later it was on his cheek, patting him back to consciousness. "We need to leave. Now."

Leave? He frowned at that but couldn't hold on to that thought. Everything was kinda fuzzy and nothing made sense. He wasn't even sure where he was. There was an antiseptic smell which triggered something in the back of his mind but he couldn't quite grab the meaning of it.

The bed was comfy and warm and he just wanted to drift back to sleep but now that he was awake, more or less, he noticed more details about his condition. His head felt cracked open and every little movement sent lances of hot white pain up his neck to the crown of his head. He tasted bile in the back of his throat and swallowed against it. He was just aware enough to know that throwing up would be real fun in his current state.

"You gonna hurl?" The voice was back but through his watery eyes he only saw the blurred oval of a face swimming on top of a green glob, a shirt or jacket, he couldn't really tell. Then the world tilted when he was rolled to his side.

"Just breathe through it." The hand was on his back now, rubbing his bare skin where the hospital gown gaped open. Hospital gown. Hospital bed. Things started to make sense now.

"You good?" The way too loud voice was back when nothing happened in the throwing up department. He dared to nod to that question and when it didn't make him throw up he was pretty sure that whatever he'd eaten last would stay inside.

"Good." One swift move later he sat on the edge of the bed, his bare feet on the cold floor. He hissed to that sensation but compared to the dull ache in the rest of his body and his cracked head it was nothing. Resting his elbows on his knees and with his head hanging he managed to stay sitting even when the hands left his shoulders.

"Just stay put for a moment." There was clear worry in his voice. "Man, they really did a number on you. Or is this just the good stuff they gave you?"

It didn't sound like there was an answer required so he didn't give one. He wasn't sure if his tongue could even form words, for sure his head couldn't think words right now.

There was some rustling but he was too busy breathing to care what was going on.

"Here, put this on." Something landed in his lap. Clumsily he reached for the ball of fabric and nearly slid off the edge of the bed when suddenly one of his feet lost contact with the floor.

"Work with me here." The voice came from somewhere around his feet now.

He looked down on the brown spot he assumed to be the top of the head. His vision was still blurry but he got the idea and lifted his foot. Together they got him dressed in jeans and shoes which left him exhausted and he really wanted to just tilt to the side and drop back into bed. Just curl up and die.

"C'mon, Sammy." Somebody had other ideas.

The thing in his lap turned out to be a jacket. He hadn't noticed the cast on his arm before but wrestling it through the sleeve made him more than aware of the fact that his arm was busted. He gritted his teeth and bit back a scream.

"Sorry, Sammy." Hands on his neck, straightening the collar of the jacket and then cupping the back of his head which actually felt kinda nice. Grounding. Comforting. Safe.

He breathed easier and was even ready to settle over to the wheelchair which suddenly stood right next to the bed. His legs buckled but there were strong hands helping him and he didn't crash to the floor.

He slumped down in the chair and closed his eyes against the sudden dizziness.

"Just sit tight, I'll get you out of here in no time."

They made their way through long corridors and down an elevator which brought back the nausea but he managed to breathe through that wave as well and they made it outside without an accident. Nobody gave them a second glance and for some reason he couldn't quite remember that was a good thing.

However, thinking wasn't his strong suit at the moment anyway so he just focused on not falling out of the wheelchair and to stay more or less awake. He failed at the latter because suddenly they were at the car and he couldn't recall how they got there.

"Here you go."

Before he even realized what was happening the world spun and when it came to a halt again, he was sitting in the passenger seat and the door closed with a comforting squeak.

"You good, Sammy?" The engine came to life but the purring of the car was not as bad as he'd expected. Quite the opposite. It felt comforting, almost like a lullaby. He slid deeper into the seat and rested his head against the window for a moment to give his body time to adjust to the new position. His head was still killing him and now his arm was throbbing as well and there were more sore spots all over his body but for the moment he was good. He closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, they were on the open road, only fields and single trees around them. Slowly he set up a little straighter and had a real look around. His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth and his throat felt raw and dry but he couldn't bring up enough saliva to change that.

"Water?" A bottle came in is line of sight and he took it greedily. However, he had to use both hands to actually drink from it. With one hand in a cast it wasn't an easy task but he managed.

When half the bottle was gone he trusted his voice enough to speak.

"Ehm." He started but had to clear his throat while he threw a glance over to the driver's seat. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure?" By now his vision was clear enough to read the slightly worried expression on his face.

"Who are you?"

Chapter 2

sam winchester, dean winchester, season 2

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