Aug 01, 2006 22:45

I wrote about EUReKA recently, because I really enjoyed  the pilot (Sci-fi channel Tuesday nights after Dead Like Me), but I wanted to follow up because it is getting better and better.  The supporting cast is so brilliant, and they are really spending some serious time with them:  I am really falling for Joe Morton (who plays Henry Deacon, it had ( Read more... )

eureka, tv

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Comments 15

liluv August 2 2006, 07:24:09 UTC
I love the little comic strip! It reminds me a bit of Calvin and Hobbes, which I think I might buy for myself ( ... )


embers_log August 2 2006, 13:52:40 UTC
Oh I love Calvin and Hobbs too, but Boondocks often makes political comments and I always enjoy that.

Yeah, it was probably always unrealistic to expect that 'Serenity' would find a huge audience right away (the way Star Wars did), but I do think it is the better movie. And I can't feel that the series is complete while I know that Joss still has years worth of stories still bubbling in head! But I guess I can be patient (because I have no choice).

And you're right: all the major networks put out their new shows at the same time (more or less) in the Fall, but the cable stations (who didn't used to do much original programming) have been coming out with more and more better new shows, and they release them during the Summer, which allows them to compete with reruns. There are a lot of new shows this year I'm really enjoying (mostly mystery and sci-fi genre).


liluv August 2 2006, 16:48:05 UTC
First of all, I don´t think I understand your icon. What kind of little guy is this and why is he looking so grim while writing?

I don´t know if expecting Serenity to become a huge hit was unrealistic or not. I don´t think many people expected "Pirates of the Carribean" to become such a success either. I still think what I said before that Sci-Fi has a hard stand at the moment in movies.
I also could imagine it was not easy to promote, since the basic premise of the movie is not so new to the Sci-Fi genre.

Do you mean the original Star Wars movies were an immediate success or the prequels? Because I think they were "succesful" for different reasons and I am not even sure the prequels can be called a "success"...


embers_log August 2 2006, 17:16:38 UTC
oh the icon above is one of the Boondocks characters: Riley...I like to have icons of people writing, I think that that icon is based on one of his angry letters to Santa (which I think is so funny, and I'm known for writing angry letters).

I wasn't comparing Serenity to the prequel/recent Star Wars movies (I thought all three sucked), but to the original Star Wars movie (#IV whatever that was named) which really did become a huge hit right away, inspite of having relatively unknown stars and a very off-beat plot.... Sci-fi was not big back in the 1970s either.

I thought that 'Serenity' would have the same amazing word-of-mouth, but I was wrong. I think it badly needed at least one name star, and I think it would have helped if the title had included a clue that it WAS about space and/or had spaceships.... sigh.


ash_xander August 2 2006, 11:19:39 UTC
I am enjoying Eureka too. I know Joe Morton from It and Terminator 2. I'm glad I bought the Done the Impossible dvd so that I can show others just how much "Firefly" is loved. I've found 3 easter eggs so far but I really haven't looked at any of the DVD-rom stuff.


embers_log August 2 2006, 13:55:30 UTC
I'm going to have to rewatch 'It' and 'Terminator 2' because I didn't remember him in those, but I loved last night's 'Eureka': a really interesting premis that was really well acted.
You've found three easter eggs on the main 'DtI' disk already? I need to try harder!! LOL


callmeserenity August 2 2006, 17:21:09 UTC
hee hee. Boondocks is funny. I wish my paper got it, but we're this little inkydinky podunk paper that's biggest appeal is seeing how many typos you can find and reading the "talk back" section where people can call or email in whatever they want (and they complain about the STUPIDEST things, it's great.)

Anyway, yay Boondocks! yay DtI! I can't wait to see it, especially since I'm on it! Never heard of Eureka.

ooh, I just renewed my LJ and I got TWO MORE ICONS!!! Yay! now I'm up to 104. Must decide what to load.


embers_log August 2 2006, 17:28:59 UTC
Yeah, I got into Boondocks because they carried it in the Washington Post, but when I lived in Iowa no one carried it (surprise surprise) BUT yahoo has it online as one of the comics I can have on my home page (I can have three, so I have: Boondocks, Dunesberry, and For Better or Worse).

I'm afraid I didn't see you, but I was mostly online while I was just listening to DtI... I'm bad. I'll rewatch it and look for you!

And yay for extra icons! That is how I ended up w/109, but being here at lj with a paid account for quite a while.


callmeserenity August 2 2006, 18:55:28 UTC
Ash_xander told me she saw me when I was in the parade at D*C. I was wearing a blue chinese shirt and carrying a red parasol. Look for me!


embers_log August 2 2006, 19:27:57 UTC
they did such a good job on the 'extra' disks w/DtI:
I'm 'watching' one of the convention Q&As when they didn't have video, only audio...but they put in al the still pictures they could so that it is still visually interesting, and we don't miss out....
I love LOVE the Q&As, they really did a good job of compiling all this stuff!


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