Thirty days of Blake, Day Two

May 04, 2014 18:03

Today's item is "favorite guest character."


To me, what makes a favorite guest character, rather than just one I like, is a character who shows a different side of one of the main stars, but is also an interesting character in his or her own right. Carnell is cool (maybe I'll choose him for "the coolest thing" XP), and I considered choosing him, but he doesn't really spark off the characters I care about in particularly interesting ways. Kasabi brings out a side of Servalan we don't see anywhere else. Much as I like Sand, Kasabi makes a much better contribution to Servalan's backstory than Don Keller. She also has wonderful presence. She doesn't really get that much more screen time than Avalon, but she's about 100 times more real to me as a person.

Honorable mention goes to Del Grant. Incidentally, when they were first describing Del Grant in Countdown (asks for money just to satisfy his ego, etc) I thought he was going to turn out to be Carnell gone rogue on the Federation :P

1. What you wish happened
2. Favourite guest character
3. Your song/fan mix for the show
4. Favourite photo/screenshot
5. An unpopular/cracky opinion you hold
6. Worst decision
7. Best use of a hoary old trope
8. Something that made you happy
9. Something that made you think
10. Something that made you laugh
11. Best series opener
12. Best season finale
13. Which character would you like to go to lunch with?
14. Talk about the music
15. Best scene involving music/dancing
16.Favourite quote(s)
17. Favourite non-romantic OTP
18. Most surprising moment
19. Favourite location
20.Favourite costume/clothing/accessory
21. Favourite character moment
22. Something from your head fanon
23.Best fight
24. Best scene
25. All the pairings you ship
26. Best weapon
27. Most taxing problem
28. Favourite director
29. Best scene involving eating/drinking
30.The coolest thing

30 days of blake

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