Return of the Stats Goddess

May 16, 2007 19:59

Now THAT's how I'm supposed to feel walking out of a test.


school, life

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Comments 10

gmpe May 17 2007, 00:08:22 UTC
Yeah!!!!!! Go super stats babe!
I know you worked hard. I am glad it went well. :)


elsinoreblue May 17 2007, 14:56:41 UTC
Thanks! I did. I'm really proud of myself. I prepped in just the right way.

I owe my two T.A's a debt of gratitude. One of them pointed out and broke down some crucial computer output and they both helped clarify some important points at our sessions last week.


wendyhouse May 17 2007, 00:27:28 UTC


(is it sad that I looked at your icon for several seconds wondering what W88 was? I spend too much time with my literal-minded toddler....)


coraline May 17 2007, 13:34:18 UTC
i do the same thing every time i see it, and i don't even have the toddler excuse...


elsinoreblue May 17 2007, 14:57:35 UTC
:) I think I shall do some icon detailing to clarify it in my newfound spare time. ;)


jencallisto May 17 2007, 02:21:15 UTC
Awesome! Go you!


elsinoreblue May 17 2007, 14:58:01 UTC
Thanks, doll! How's your semester shaping up?


jencallisto May 17 2007, 23:54:31 UTC
I think I might survive. Just about a month left... It's going to be rough, but I haven't drowned yet. Thanks for asking. :)


That's awesome! ghostowl May 17 2007, 12:41:09 UTC
You go girl!

We WILL get together soon. Once all my medical stuff is settled - what does your calendar look like for June?

Miss you guys!


Re: That's awesome! elsinoreblue May 17 2007, 15:01:58 UTC
Congrats on starting to get things resolved, by the way!

I start an online class sometime in June, but I'm hoping it won't be too bad. The only set committment I have is the weekend of the 9th. I'll be at my cousin's wedding. :)

Seeing you would be fabulous! Let's do it!!!


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