My contribution to Crack.

Aug 23, 2005 10:35

Author: sakurazuka_mori
Title: The Plushie-Pillow-Brothers
Genre: CRACK
Word Count: 661
Comments: because I was inspired by this and I’m a crack demon XD *runs before she's shot*


fanfiction, fanfiction by genre: crack

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Comments 45

thewolfplush August 23 2005, 17:44:58 UTC
Dear god, that made me laugh. and laugh. and laugh. Dude, that's fucking hillarious.

The the mental image of Roy all...discombulbulated, barely dressed...yum. XD

Don't worry, I will not shoot you. *patpat* Thanks for brightening my lunch hour. XD


gwyneda August 23 2005, 17:57:50 UTC
:x good to know I can be funny too =D and thank YOU for saying so! *beams*


thewolfplush August 23 2005, 18:46:53 UTC
I just read the convo that inspired this.

All I can say: You people are fuckin' insane. And it's BRILLIANT. XD


gwyneda August 23 2005, 18:54:03 UTC
XD yeah, *blames Haven* she started it! XD


felflowne August 23 2005, 17:58:05 UTC
I have the Al cushion! I'm never gonna be able to look at him the same way! XDDD *hugs* That made me laugh! XDD


gwyneda August 23 2005, 18:37:40 UTC
d00d, I could've SWORN my Al-Pillow was looking at me funny this morning XD *dies* he's still looking at me o_o;


felflowne August 23 2005, 18:45:27 UTC
Mine's fallen down the side of my bed... I think he's hiding XDD


gwyneda August 23 2005, 18:53:28 UTC
XD I'm sorry? *isnt at all* actually, mine's looking at the ceiling now o_o...y'yhink he's trying to tell me something?


maypirate August 23 2005, 18:05:54 UTC
I love you! This is hysterical and full of joy. :)

Especially since I've just been posing my Ed and Al dolls terribly inappropriately for much of the morning.

This owns me:

Yes. YES!!!


gwyneda August 23 2005, 18:36:55 UTC
XD! yeah, I dont have much FMA stuff so- yeah, All I have is the pillow ;x although I was afraid this'd turn out extremely crappy ^^;


west_haven August 23 2005, 18:11:18 UTC
Oh, my god. *dies*

... )


west_haven August 23 2005, 18:14:02 UTC
Oh, and your link linking to our convo is broken. you need the http:// before it!


gwyneda August 23 2005, 18:35:22 UTC
GAH! wierd, it shows up on the edit thing, but the link wont work =/ *undoes the html* thanks for the head up! and for someone I just met, you have WONDEFUL ispiration potential. keep it coming! XD *hugs*


west_haven August 23 2005, 18:56:54 UTC
Your welcome! ^^ Yeah, aren't you glad I just happened to see the words "Hawaiian Punch" and commented? Yayness!


gwyneda August 23 2005, 19:02:25 UTC
XD!!! yeah, talk about wierd coincidences! I wasnt even gonna put that but I did XD

Fate works in strange and mysterious ways~ whooo~ >.>;


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