(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 20:27

~ Wanderlust ~

Here's my sort of review of the night. The usual, my write up of the night that's mostly for myself but if you feel so inclined please do read it :) Clearly Sarah Slean is going to be reviewed in more detail (are you even surprised? have you seen the header for this journal? ;) ) I figure most people reading this will have come over from the board anyways.

The evening featured the following readers (in order because I am picky that way) and I'm linking you to their work in the same way that the RSS page did because it's handy :)

Damian Rogers (unicorn hunter)
David Keyes (gentlemen's pornographer)
Nancy Baker (dark fantasy author)
Alessandro Porco (pop-culture poet)


Liisa Ladouceur (poet)
Sarah Slean (poet)
Russell Smith (novelist)

We arrived a bit early and waited in the bar at the Gladstone... and let me say, from seeing it half way renovated this past summer to seeing it now, what a change! It's a beautiful buliding, I've been told that the rooms are lovely too. Someone take me ;)

The Art Bar where the Wanderlust event was held is so tiny but great for reading excluding the noise from the comedians next door but that was pretty easy to ignore. Jim, Yen and I managed to get a table. We ended up right up front because everything else got snapped up fast. But for reading it doesn't matter as much once you get into it how close you are.

The first reader, Damian Rogers read an exerpt from her upcoming book which sounds like something I would totally buy. She said she'd based it around an old journal of hers she'd found that was written as a teenager. It was one of those notebooks with the unicorn on the front, all decorated with stickers etc. Her book based on that is called something along the lines of that cover... look for something by Damian Rogers with "Unicorn" in the title (here is where I suck becuase I didn't take a single note all night. So my information is a little fill in the blanks-ish. But when the book comes out that should be enough to track it down. She also read a couple of poems that she'd written. I really liked her material.

Next up, David Keyes who is a writer/photographer/book binder. Oh if I had money I would so have had a hand bound book! He read to us his piece "The Girl in the Box" and I liked it. He had great presence when he was reading and his was a story that you just closed your eyes to and went right where he was. I'd almost forgotton what it was to be read to like that. I almost read along in my mind and see the pictures after I "read" the words... that's new since elementary school... but still, highly enjoyable.

Then Nancy Baker.... whose material, more LisaLisa's style, not so much mine. It was interesting somewhat but I'd probably only really read her book if someone highly recommended it to me, the fantasy genre doesn't always work for me.

Lastly before the intermission Alessandro Porco who was so good. Highly entertaining, pop culture, poetry. He was a really good reader as well. For example one of his poems was an "Ode to Christina Agulara" which made everyone laugh, but also, was good, not just some fluff that was thrown together. Again, I'd buy his book... or apparently it's in the library system so I may have to check it out that way.

Then we had an intermission.

The second part of the evening began with Liisa Ladouceur who was also the host of the evening. She read her poems that she'd written during trips to Egypt and South America. I especially enjoyed the Egyptian ones since that's a place I'd love to visit. And again having someone read to you like that about another place you could close your eyes and see parts of Egypt... so interesting!

Then came Sarah Slean. (and this will be a more lengthy review because she's who I originally went to see. Anyone surprised? no? okay let's continue.) She was so nervous which is something I'd not ever seen from her on stage before! Also she'd forgotton her copies of her Ravens poems she wanted to read for the night but she did have her new poems on her laptop. However I had Ravens with me (because it's rare that I don't have it with me lol. I think the only time I didn't have it and wanted it was at the art show opening to proove to everyone that the painting I wanted was in their... I was right.). My poor little book, I need a new one just to keep as a collector thing because my copy is so well read now... Anyways, I interrupted her (sorry!) to give her the book so she read us a few poems from there:

The Tender Power
Humbly Fireside (for Tracey)

What can I say, I already love her stuff in Ravens (clearly) and I love getting backstories as to how poems (or songs or paintings etc) came about, so I was happy to get Ravins poems. I had my eyes closed for all three though because I was also having a moment of "oh my goodness one of my favourite poets is reading from my copy of her book" Imagine your favourite author doing that, I am a total geek but it was something I'd have never imagioned happening... does anyone remember my efforts to get Ravens signed? Who'd have thought that a few months later it would be on stage with Sarah.

Anyways, I digress.

Then come the new poems and because I was too wrapped up in listening I didn't write down titles, clearly I suck. I remember 3 of the titles... and I think we had 4 poems and I'm forgetting the first one... or else I'm totally making up a forth poem in which case, don't mind me. The good news is that these poems will hopefully all be in her upcoming book! Oh yes, I held that back :) She has a new book coming out and it should be out soon hopefully. The new pieces were:

...........?? (if anyone can help me out with the missing poem title... or if they have any other corrections, feel free to comment below and let me know.)

Driving in Saskatchewan

Actually written while flying over the (insert number here) snow covered field of Saskatchewan.

Call the Cops

No introduction for this one. It was more abrupt sounding than the other pieces of the night. Just sharper words. Different but I liked it

Glacier which you can read for yourself here: in Sarah's blog. I knew it sounded more familiar, and I was wondering why it stuck the most with me. I've read it a few times before. Aha!

I really hope all of these, well at least the first three, are published so I can read them (clearly I like Glacier as well but at least I can read it over and over now.)

As for reading, wow, I really really hope that Sarah does something like this again. She is so good at reading aloud (and seriously can someone find something she can't do already? ;) ) Very expressive, talking with her hands, gesturing with her glass of wine. Totally captivating. And I say this trying to be as unbiased as possible... she really did a great job. I'll be crossing my fingers hoping that she reads her poetry again.

Lastly for the scheduled readers was Russell Smith who read straight out porn. So, it was like good fanfiction (rare but it does happen lol) He seemed a bit nervous to read but that worked well with the story and he was an entertaining expressive reader.

Then we had two audience members read.

The first one... Hmmm Dell, he reminded me of the guy in the Gloomcookie stories... get it?

The second one had this epic long poem that all fell into this fast rythem which I liked when I saw it was just his pace of speaking, anyone who can keep up speed when talking (or can listen fast) gets bonus marks from me ;)

Congratulations to the two of them. I'd have never been brave enough to get up and read my poems aloud, very few of the ones I write even make it to be posted in my poetry journal anymore.

After the show we said our quick goodbyes to Sarah (who is doing a fabulous job of hiding the scar on her head... seriously if you ever need to hide a headwound, go see that girl ;) ) and on our way home we ran into another fan who'd been at the Dec. 16th show :) It's always fun to meet new Slean fans :)

Merclaire if you're ever in town for another one of these events I'm taking you, it was SO you!

wanderlust, sarah slean, poetry

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