
Aug 11, 2010 11:13

Oh holy christ I am so happy to be home ( Read more... )

family, vacation, pictures, tree hugging, you want me to sleep where?, fratboy

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Comments 35

greylock August 12 2010, 03:23:17 UTC
Those fuckers were hungry and I was their dinner of choice.

You know they will tend to avoid people with a high BAC, right?

Camping somehow rendered alcohol completed ineffective
Was it really cold? That'll do it.


I'll just leave that there.


elixxir August 12 2010, 22:51:10 UTC
Dude. The odds?! Of these two events occurring at the same time?!! My brain, she boggles!


greylock August 12 2010, 22:57:58 UTC
I think we can blame Annie Sprinkle and her concept of ecosexuality.


elixxir August 13 2010, 00:57:06 UTC
You are determined to make me Google myself to death aren't you? STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME SMRTER! IT WON'T WORK! DUMB AS A BAG OF BLONDE HAIR BENEMBER??


greylock August 12 2010, 03:25:34 UTC
Oh, I forgot to add:
This morning when my mom asked Twisty G how he liked his first night of camping he lit up like a Christmas tree and reverently said "it was PERFECT!". That, my friends, was the sound of the whip cracking, kicking my momtard in gear. Now if only we could find a way to do it sans bugs, with comfier sleeping conditions and mebbe a few other people to keep the hours after the kids go to bed safe for trees everywhere.

My parents never took me camping. The closest I came was when my mother was away and my sister and I got it into our heads to use every blanket in the house to make a harem-style tent under the trampoline.
Our dad let us camp there overnight.
It's one of my few really good memories. Can you not do something similar?


elixxir August 12 2010, 22:52:09 UTC
Hrm, let the kids camp outside in the backyard by themselves?! BRILLIANT!!


greylock August 12 2010, 22:57:02 UTC
Well, yours might be a bit young to do it alone.
Then again, maybe not.


elixxir August 13 2010, 00:57:59 UTC
Screw it! Darwinism at its finest. Sink or swim twee folk, mama's got vodka to drink!


nights_promise August 12 2010, 03:28:53 UTC
I'm getting ready for another week in the woods with Amber. Mark will be coming up for the weekend only :( I'm gonna miss him like hell, and I'm kind of dreading spending a week alone in a tent with the princess. At least the rest of my crazy family will be close by.


elixxir August 12 2010, 22:53:10 UTC
All by your lonesome?! I couldn't bring myself to abandon Fratboy and go into the house where it was warm and comfy cuz it just seemed too quiet and creepy to leave him out there by himself!


astrocrabpuff August 12 2010, 06:20:14 UTC
"There's probably six mosquitoes in all of Vancouver" said Rick. All six of them have brought their relatives over to my place to feast on my flesh. ARGHABBDSBIDHBISUDBIUSB!!!!!

I'm wondering if it's possible to prep the backyard in such a way as to kill off bug life before hand but I'm sure it's just wishful thinking on my part because I deeply detest them damn bloodsucking bastards* with soul-shaking fury (the non-bloodsucking kind I simply hate with a passion).

Sounds like you had an immensely amazing time, bugs and possible interspecies relationships aside. :)* - I imagine vampires to be a larger version of plasma eating insect that is very very hard to smush.


to_thine_own August 12 2010, 12:56:20 UTC
Mosquitos love you Cat. I remember them veering around me to get to you.


astrocrabpuff August 12 2010, 18:59:37 UTC
It's like they've never eaten before me and I'm a buffet!


elixxir August 12 2010, 22:50:23 UTC
Hey babe, not sure if you guys are in the same vicinity but my old boss works at http://jouta.com/ and she just posted that they're looking for an admin assistant/receptionist. She was the best boss I've ever worked with so if you're interested let me know and I'll hook up an introduction!


(The comment has been removed)

elixxir August 13 2010, 00:58:29 UTC
Awww, hugs to you sweet girl!


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