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Comments 41

missuh December 3 2009, 16:10:42 UTC
hehehe good luck at the interview! Remember the teacher is always just as nervous! :) Well, I don't get nervous anymore but that's because I'm freaking ancient and have been doing this 13 freaking years now! *cry*
hehehe xoxoxoxo


elixxir December 3 2009, 16:12:36 UTC
Wow really? It never even occured to me the teacher would be nervous too. What are y'all nervous about?


missuh December 3 2009, 16:31:46 UTC
People get really nervous that the parents will be confrontational (and some really are!)


elixxir December 3 2009, 16:40:32 UTC
Wow, seriously? How is that helpful?! And just to tie them all back together...

Hrmmm....at JK I'd ask how they are fitting in socially with the other kids; how their language skills are developing; if they are where they should be with fine motor and gross motor development....and for all these things - if they are not - then what you can do to help move things along! :)

Excellent...thank you!

Oh and bring her grape vodka - she'll be your new best freind hehehe. Speaking of...tis the season! I hope I get lots of bottles of wine this year from my kids!!! :D!!! hehehe

No, seriously?! Is it okay to bring the teacher wine as a holiday gift?! I would have been too worried that it would be offensive or something because not everyone is the drunk I am. Ha. I AM TOTALLY ALL OVER THIS!!


vapidblonde December 3 2009, 16:29:31 UTC
I think I'm going to get shitfaced tonight, briefly, then pass out. Though I think I'm going on the wine train. mmmm wine!
You're a very important cog, and one that at this point is his sun moon and stars! If that didn't change you'd THEN have to worry about the possibility you're raising a serial killer!


elixxir December 3 2009, 20:20:17 UTC
If that didn't change you'd THEN have to worry about the possibility you're raising a serial killer!

What would I do without your reality checks? Oh. Right. Raise a serial killer with mama issues. :p


vapidblonde December 3 2009, 20:48:58 UTC
Then at the ripe old age of 14, I'd deflower him :P hahaha I kid I kid!
He'd totally be deflowered long before then if only due to Crispins influence :P
Love you!


elixxir December 4 2009, 15:56:25 UTC

Though you're SO NOT WRONG. Dude, Crispini got an Empathy award this week so I asked him why he got it and his response, and I quote, was "I helped the teacher take her clothes off." Leanna and I just about died. He's not wrong either...she was struggling with her coat and so he went to help her. She thinks he's 'such a charming little gentleman' now. Meanwhile he's thinking "heh heh heh I helped the teacher take her clothes off..."


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elixxir December 3 2009, 20:21:12 UTC
This Saturday? Yikes...I'll have to check everyone's schedules...I think Fratboy is working and Cyn has a date?


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elixxir December 4 2009, 18:05:57 UTC
Jeebus. As it turns out the grandparents are already busy with my niece's first birthday tomorrow which I totally forgot we're also attending, then Cyn is bringing her fine self and anyone else she likes to a dinner party I'm having for Red and Boyman which I also totally forgot I'm throwing. It seriously may be time to stop drinking.

Or invest in a calendar and. You know. Actually write shit down in it.

Sorry! Send birthday hugs for me!!


astrocrabpuff December 3 2009, 17:20:52 UTC
I suspect the JK teacher may have something to say about your grape vodka habit. :P Relax and listen to missuh. :D


elixxir December 3 2009, 20:21:54 UTC
Well I wasn't planning on pouring shots DURING the conference.

You know.

Unless is went REALLY BADLY...


astrocrabpuff December 3 2009, 21:18:09 UTC
I suggest you leave the bottle at home. Don't transfer contents into a flask or travel mug. Just ideas is all.


bellafiga December 3 2009, 17:22:47 UTC
Twas all I could do to NOT drink the grape vodka before taking these children to school. I ain't saying this lightly but if i can't get more immma go bin laden on some one's ass!!!

It's a good thing i bought two bottles and i may buy two bottles mores. This may be the start of my stumble into alcoholism and i couldn't be more excited!

Oooooer when you get to the school there are like 6 pictures of twisty g on the door to the classroom. From when they had that science day. HE's a handsome lil feller! Also it bears mentioning that i have NO DESIRE TO GO TO PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS.. Is it mandatory? Like did he not bring a gun to school? He's raped no one? Then why do i have to go?

I should have had sea monkey's instead of a child!


elixxir December 3 2009, 20:23:52 UTC
This may be the start of my stumble into alcoholism and i couldn't be more excited!



Hey at least your kid's an award winner. Surely you must be a TINY bit curious how the hell he managed to snow them on THAT?! Ha. It's also possible CPS is on its way for both of us... :p


bellafiga December 3 2009, 20:39:41 UTC
The fact that i'm sober right this second means i'm not YET an alcoholic but i have high hopes!

I'm telling you, any empathy my child displays is only done so to the distaff gender! If it ain't got tits crispini don't care! We're probably going to have a sit down talk about good touching vs bad touching!!!

I may wanna take notes on that because i get a little cloudy on the subject sometimes myself:P

And it's weird we're not doing it together. Mrs D has no idea how deep my co-dependency runs here!


elixxir December 3 2009, 20:41:16 UTC
Right?!! Like what the hell, are we supposed to wait outside for each other? It's not like we're not gonna repeat the conversations verbatim anyway. WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP EXPECTING US TO ACT LIKE GROWN UPS WHO CAN FUNCTION ON OUR OWN??


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