On Call: Afternoon by P.D. Singer

May 31, 2012 09:00

This is only a short story but it’s very nice and romantic, and how could be anything else, when we are speaking of hot doctors and their furry friends, little matchmaker kitties?

At first Dr. Dante James, vet, goes to Dr. Keith Hoyer, m.d., with a health problem, but the problem is minimal and soon forgotten, and instead Dr. Keith is more interesting in knowing more of the handsome African American vet than his health status. Only that the chance doesn’t come, and so Keith manages to have it; when he accidentally steps onto his cat, Harpo, first thing in his mind is to call Dante. Now, I can concede to Keith that he said he is new at the practice, so maybe also new in town? So maybe he has not yet found a vet for his beloved kitty? Or maybe Keith sees as a good chance to grasp when he suddenly needs the help of a vet right when he was thinking how to call again Dante?

As you can imagine, this is a short story, 15 pages, so I can’t really say much, other than the feeling of the story was light, the love story promising, and the help both men received by their respective pet friends real cute. As often when there are pets in a short story, they tend to steal a bit the scene to their owners, as it’s in this case for Harpo, he has almost the better scenes.

On Call: Afternoon is exactly what the title suggest, a love affair in a lazy Saturday afternoon, but maybe this is only the start of a true love story.

Amazon Kindle: On Call: Afternoon
Rocky Ridge Press; 2 edition (May 31, 2012)

Reading List: http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?tag=reading_list&view=elisa.rolle

review, genre: contemporary, theme: multicultural, author: p.d. singer, theme: medical, length: short story

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