A Foreign Range (Stories from the Range) by Andrew Grey

Sep 26, 2013 23:18

The first for me in this series by Andrew Grey, I think I got lucky; the story was good, a little cinderfella, a little star-system, it never went over the top and mostly remained with a small-town/good neighbors feeling.

Wilson is almost at the point of burning out; a country singer who is not even able to ride, all his persona is a fluke. But Wilson is aware of that and it wasn’t what he dreamed; he wants a simple life, doing music, sharing it with the audience, but not selling his life to them. So he decides to leave it all and to buy an horse ranch in Wyoming… only that the ranch hasn’t horses and it’s completely empty, aside for a young man, Steve, who was supposed to be an horse trainer for the previous owner, and arrived too late.

The runaway/starving kid is a common theme in Grey’s books, especially in the Love Means… series, another series with a country setting; I’m not really able to explain, but it does fit right with the story, western romance gives you that idea of comfort and quiet life, something you associate with a warm home and a full belly, so feeding the starving boy rings true for this type of romance. And once the runaway kid is well-fed, he proves to be an asset to the ranch, way more than Wilson that aside for the necessary money to buy it, hasn’t really any idea of what a ranch life implies.

Book after book Andrew Grey is starting to become more and more the Gay Romance equivalent of the Big Ladies of the serial Romance like Diana Palmer, the stories maybe don’t differ much, but when you pick one of these books, you are sure to be on for a good read.

Amazon: A Foreign Range
Amazon Kindle: A Foreign Range
Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 15, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1613725507
ISBN-13: 978-1613725504

Series: Stories from the Range
1) A Shared Range
2) A Troubled Range
3) An Unsettled Range
4) A Foreign Range

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review, genre: contemporary, theme: cowboys, theme: show business, author: andrew grey, length: novel

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