In my everyday life, I'm one of those consumers who scrutinizes labels on every product in the grocery store. I try to be a conscientious shopper. I've started thinking a little more about my consumer choices when it comes to lolita clothing, and I thought I'd present a particular issue to the EGL community and gather your thoughts.
Does the conduct of a shopping service/seller influence your decision to buy from them...? )
Comments 70
I bought a few things for very good prices at closet child, including a printed AP jsk for like $30. If I sold it, I would probably price it higher, unless I was just selling to a friend. You can get things super cheap from mbok, and while I've never bought things there to resell, I know that some people do. The US secondhand market just prices things higher than the Japanese one.
If people don't want to pay more than the seller bought it for, it's up to them to find out the item's value, not start scalper witch hunts with the intention of protecting people who cant be bothered to be informed.
Its up to closet child to decide if they actually care, and I doubt they do. They are making the same amount of money, regardless of customers. The price hike is probably because they know the resellers will buy anyway, and so they can make more money. I wouldn't knowingly support one of the businesses, but its probably hard to tell if someone is or not.
"I've heard accounts of shopping services that arrive at Closet Child during sales/releases, shove regular shoppers out of the way, grab stuff from other people, and carry off entire racks of dresses." Proof? (sorry Im just shocked haha, and even more surprised that they haven't been banned from the store!)
I am also sad that the retail price is going up in Japan, rather than going down everywhere else in the world for secondhand clothing :(.
(She ended up selling her stuff to her LJ friends. Like, she sold a MM coat for 5,000 yen - and Closet Child had offered her even less than that.)
The whole 'shoving people around at stores and carrying off racks' issue is of more concern to me, but ultimately I feel that it would be on Closet Child to either ban such rude shoppers from their stores or impose a limit on purchases during sales and new release times.
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