A Team Barbie Comment Ficathon (For Ishi!)

Oct 07, 2012 10:40

HOW THIS WORKS:(borrowed from softly_me with some alterations)

1. Prompts can be for anything pertaining to Caroline Forbes and/or Rebekah Mikaelson from The Vampire Diaries. Gen fics, shippy fics, so long as it relates to our one of our vampire barbies.

2. Prompt in the comments. Format is thus: Character(s) or Pairing, prompt. (Or, you know, just do what everyone else is doing).

3. When writing fic, put in your comment title: TITLE OF FIC (pairing, rating). Only include the rating if it is R or NC17. Using a title is important because it is the only way people will know that your comment has fic and will therefore get you more comments. Everyone wins.

4. If you read a fic and like it, leave feedback for the author. It's just a nice thing to do.

5. BEWARE OF SPOILERS. Prompts and fics can contain spoilers from any aired episode as well as the promo following the most recent episode. Please do not use spoilers from upcoming episodes.

6.  Promote with the following:

OR on Tumblr

fic: vampire diaries, ficathon

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