EdWin pics <3

Feb 09, 2012 16:16

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Comments 15

evil_little_dog February 9 2012, 14:38:45 UTC
*squeals in delight*

I love Ed's expression in the first illo, and how Winry's gotten so close she's actually between his legs. I wonder what they're arguing about! Or, what Winry's fussing about, since Ed's just taking it.

The one of Winry reading over Ed's shoulder is just darling; I like how comfortable they seem together in this one.

Ed+Kids is just love. :D Especially the bandages on the little boy!

And the last one; I just think Winry's drunk (like in my story that you did that drawing for) and Ed just doesn't know how to take it.

These are all so great! Thanks for sharing them.


gorowek February 9 2012, 16:13:14 UTC
she is so damn close : D

Thank you so much! Your comments always cheer me up)


evil_little_dog February 9 2012, 16:22:41 UTC
She is, poor Ed. :D

You're very welcome. I love your illustrations!


soraina_skye February 9 2012, 15:33:12 UTC
Ooooh, these are adorable! The kids look great (why is it so hard to resist anything involving Papa!Ed?) and I love the expressions in all of these.


gorowek February 9 2012, 16:17:22 UTC
thank you! i love to draw Ed with kids, especially after i learned that they have more than two children : D
Big Elric's family are big!


gaia_lulia February 9 2012, 17:25:08 UTC
Very, very pretty! I think my favorite is the one with the book, even though it's sketchier than the others. She and Ed just seem to at ease with each other there. :)


cornerofmadness February 9 2012, 18:12:25 UTC
this are wonderful. I love the fight scene. You can tell Ed has heard this before. The one with him and his children is delightful


bob_fish February 9 2012, 20:36:12 UTC
These are so gorgeous! I love their hair and their postures in all of them, but especially the first one. It does make one curious about what the argument's about (but Ed seems to know he's in the wrong, or at least has to take it XD).


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