you don't have to pass an iq test to be in the senate.

Oct 10, 2008 21:27

so this whole economy thing is making me depressed. all of my investments are losing money big time and everyone everywhere seems to be in such a shitty mood all of the time. this morning i had cnn on and i was just so full of rage. i'm starting to think that anyone who voted for bush should get voted off the island ( Read more... )

headlines, movie reviews, fuck the government, india

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Comments 5

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ebcdic October 12 2008, 17:29:02 UTC
thanks and me too! ugh ikr?!

it's kind of poorly produced but still has those funny moments.

lol i so wish i could pelt congress with books right now.


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ebcdic October 12 2008, 19:23:49 UTC
senator: what are these heavy things?! get them off of me!
aide: umm, they're books, sir? you read them?
senator: reading? i don't have time for that nonsense! what do i pay you for, boy?!
aide: pay me?


robanybody October 11 2008, 18:23:08 UTC
It's too bad you don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the fucking Senate. I'd imagine that the country would benefit a lot more if that were mandatory, along with an ethics test for good measure. (I'm so sick of elections and politicians and smear campaigns and oh my GOD, we'd better not get a Conservative majority in this Tuesday's election, or I'm gonna hit somebody.)

I hope your new boss is as good as your old one!


ebcdic October 12 2008, 17:30:39 UTC
you should at least have to pass the same test that new citizens do. like the basic stuff on the constitution and whatnot. that would go a long way towards eliminating the nonsense. i hope you don't get a conservative majority 'cause that would suck majorly.



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