If you want to hit the floor, are you ready for more?

Dec 12, 2007 20:13

I took a mental health day today because I am just so overwhelmed by life lately. Plus, I had to bake 200 cookies for our floor's holiday party tomorrow ( Read more... )

it's okay learn to play, prison break, food, less reading more tv, holidays, obsession, in another life i am a pastry chef, mental health

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Comments 11

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ebcdic December 17 2007, 01:48:49 UTC
I am just an obsessive compulsive baker! I wish you could've too!


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ebcdic December 18 2007, 02:47:31 UTC
Totally! :D


firewalkwithme December 13 2007, 05:40:13 UTC
That's crazy, you baking machine. I've never seen Prison Break and I don't know if I'd like it...


ebcdic December 17 2007, 01:49:40 UTC
Don't I know it, ma'am. It is so good you must watch it!!! Only it has some needle stuff in it (tattoos and diabetes medication).


robanybody December 13 2007, 11:45:38 UTC
Oh, your mad baking skillz. That sounds like pastry deliciousness. ♥


ebcdic December 17 2007, 01:50:16 UTC
Everyone loved them. People were fighting over the last ones, ha! ♥


robanybody December 17 2007, 01:52:48 UTC
You rule hardcore. :D


shmanny December 13 2007, 18:40:03 UTC
yikes. that reminds me of the time i made 7-layer taco dip for a company potluck. it was in a heavy, glass baking dish and i had to get it out of the apartment and downtown on public transit during rush hour without falling, being pushed or basically doing anything to disturb the layers. harrowing, to say the least. i wrapped the thing up in saran wrap and put it in a small gym bag with a reinforced bottom. held it close to my body and hoped for the best.

i was successful, but it wasn't the most fun start to the day.

nowadays i bring sturdy chocolate chip cookies or bean dip in tupperware ;-)

hope your cookies survived the trip!


ebcdic December 17 2007, 01:51:06 UTC
That's just as bad as what I had to do!

I'm going to make something easier next time.

They did, thanks!


1000_words December 14 2007, 21:47:30 UTC
mmm gingerbread people. that sounds like a lot of work, but i kinda want to make some anyway.

not to like continually harass you about my computer, but do you know anything about a driver msmapibx32.exe? my computer is working decently, if a little slow (but the cpu is waaaaay down now), except sound and video cut out constantly and are impossible to watch/listen to. i checked which drivers had been updated around the time my computer went nuts, and that was one of them. i tried googling it, but i couldn't really get a definitive answer on whether it is the good or the bad. if you have any advice, i would appreciate it. :(


ebcdic December 17 2007, 01:52:02 UTC
Mmm yes. Making the dough is easy. It's the rolling and stamping and making the frosting and doing the frosting that's hard.

So, did deleting that work or anything? :(


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