fmagiftexchange is holding another exchange, this time for Valentine's and White Day, and I decided to participate this time (after some drama that happened last year or even earlier). There were way too many amazing prompts this year and I really couldn't decide what to pick. Sadly, this year I'm only able to produce a sketch, time flies way too quickly
Roy's 21st birthday )
Comments 9
And yes, I actually recognized Hughes. Which is great for being me I'd say ^^;
I didn't go drinking on my 21st birthday... But then I am the weird one ><;
oh, that's good, meaning I didn't fail completely at drawing him.
Widze, ze Hughesowi sie bardzo spodobala jakas panienka XD
W ogole na poczatku zmaiast "he'd be present" przeczytalam "he'd be a present" XDD szczerze, jakims cudem potrafie sobie wyobrazic scenke w ktorej Roy pyta Hughesa, co mu da na urodziny, a on "ja bede twoim prezentem! ^^" (and then Roy goes "wtf") xDDD
owszem, i pewnie nie byla to Gracia...
........... ty wstretny fangirlu XDD z tego co pamietam, podobno taka akcja byla w Tiger & Bunny? jakies takie screeny kiedys widzialam. ale tak, Roy na pewno zrobilby WTF
I tried to respond to this yesterday, but I couldn't log in on my phone, so I was not successful. It said it went to moderation, but I don't see it posted so maybe not.
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