yo, check it

Apr 05, 2005 16:03

hey guys... it's been a day or two since my last entry... but hey... I've been busy... you know how I roll! well... it's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

nightcaps_4_all April 5 2005, 22:21:13 UTC
It was good while it lasted. Now you can't say I never comment on your LJ! By the way, Chantelle and Chelsea ruined the secret by telling Kareem about the nickname High Braid (HB). Damn.


illusiveterrors April 6 2005, 00:15:01 UTC
because the judges are fuckchops.


singingjavert April 6 2005, 03:22:43 UTC
'Cause Bellaire and Westside (as usual) did the same flash/trash shit that they always do. And they do it well.

Y'all kicked ass. Esp. the second time.


anonymous April 7 2005, 02:53:06 UTC
Hey it's Melissa. I have a question for u about the whole uil thing so give me a call sometime. Plus I miss talking to you bunches!!
love ya


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