The weather today was perfect. It still gets dark a little too early, but at least I got up before 1 today. My stomach is feeling better. I've relaxed about things that I'd been worrying about
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Well. Anyone have any ideas where I should work now? I'm depressed right now. I've been feeling really disconnected and homesick lately. I don't feel like going to class. Now I don't have a job where I have friends to look forward to. How am I going to get up in the morning?
I'm going to be in Georgia on Christmas Eve and will be leaving on the 30th. Make time for me. I think about coming home sometimes. Sometimes I get really sad and lonely and miss people so much. I'm working hard to figure myself out and to try to make it. Mostly I'm happy, though. I wish you guys would visit me sometime.
I'm going to LA with Christian to see Beck, Queens of the Stone Age, and Of Montreal this weekend. Paul and I are broken up, and I don't think we'll ever get back together. I still care about him, and we still hang out. I think I'm doing really well. There are lots of good things.