AslkdjasdlkfaOMFG YesXDD!!!!!!!

Oct 02, 2008 20:35

OMG OMG NOOO XOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! My computer doesn't want to get wireless connection so that means no internet or msn XOOO!!!! Waaaaaaaahhhhh T^T *sigh* I guess I'll just read my huge KakaIru pr0n collection!!!! Still today I got to ride the bus to the mall which was a weird experience because since I've been coming to school to San Bernardino not ( Read more... )

stuff, naruto, school

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Comments 4

batty_angel October 3 2008, 08:58:45 UTC
Yes, Porn makes life better :]

OMG! I wannna see those pics! *wants the see the Naruto an Gaara and moon one the most* XDDD


drmsr October 3 2008, 16:15:54 UTC
Pr0n makes everything better XDD

Lol I'll upload them after I get out of class or while I'm it XDD and of course you want to see that pic is totally made out of awesome XDD


femmephantom October 3 2008, 16:38:17 UTC
Congrats on the shoppinf spree. And I hope you get the whole room thing sorted out quickly.


drmsr October 3 2008, 17:10:37 UTC
Shopping spree's are always good for a girl ;) especially when its anime/yaoi related XDD

Ah me too x( I can't really stay with my sis anymore I mean three people in one little dorm isn't always a good idea -_-


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