Today = Best day of my life

Jun 22, 2005 23:01

Ok so he came over today and we watched The Village. He started flirting and next thing you know we are cuddled on the coutch. Next thing you know we are kissing. next thing you know..... ummmm... you dont need to know about that one. OMG! im sooo just kidding. Nothing else happened. But it was the best feeling eva to be in his arms. I lurve my ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

lovinit55 June 23 2005, 21:09:02 UTC
wow kinda sounds like my first kiss with adam brooks. he told me right before that we are just friends then put his hand up my shirt...

was this with JD?
i'm glad for ya nonetheless!!


tiggerbengal June 24 2005, 03:11:24 UTC
sweetie its not just gay men.....its the straight ones too.
*dies of frustration*
OMG i haven't talked to you in like...forever!!! i miss my kurtis!
lurve ya muchos.


irishdreamlover July 4 2005, 22:38:20 UTC
You stole my b/f!!!!! but i still love you curtis!!! haha i bet he's a good kisser. tell him to call me and all three of us can hang out.


argentinaangel August 16 2005, 12:40:40 UTC
this is the cutest entry i've ever read in my life! omg! lol! i love gay guys!


anonymous March 20 2006, 03:33:06 UTC
Hey, can you please send me your email ?? my aim is Giggleychick and my email is -- It's about tick tick boom!! I need your help quick!!!


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