You hail a god that kills a kitten when you masturbate? What's marstubation? that cat in the ceiling reminds me of Soudnwave someone. What is porn? And why is there no exceptions to it? Also what is /b/? What does DESU mean? Who's Chuck Norris? You are not getting inside of me, I don't care how many lions are out there. 63...what?
Some people do, masturbation is when you sexually stimulate yourself, that's Ceiling Cat, porn is anything you think about while you masturbate-- even the ceiling can be porn if you're staring at the ceiling while you do it-- but usually it refers to videos/drawings/other media with sexual intercourse in it, there just aren't any exceptions, I can't talk about /b/, desu is kind of like 'it is' but you can just add it to the end of sentences to annoy people, Chuck Norris is a man with another fist under his beard, and 63 also has no exceptions.
Weirs. Is that another human thing that involves fluids? Why is the cat in the ceiling? That word shows up a lot in your conversation, you know. I don't think that ceilings are nothing particularly interesting, no matter what you are doing. Ah, okay. But why you can't talk about /b/, that makes no sense. That doesn't sound grammatically correct. Oh, he's a mutant? I doubt that.
Yes. It's the overlord of cats. Which word? Ceiling, sex, or porn? Because those are the rules. It is grammatically incorrect, but just like with using incorrect grammar it drives people insane. No, he's just Chuck Norris, and I can prove it if you want me to.
I didn't come up with them. They're more like laws of science than legal rules of the internet. Just things that happen to be true. Chuck Norris is human. Are you sure you want me to prove it? There's no coming back from proving it once I have.
Bring it on, fleshie~
Who do you want me to find a picture of?
They say that seeing is believing.
( ... )
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