Title: The Last Boy Scout Summary: An indecent proposal to a decent man. Characters: Selina Kyle, Clark Kent Warnings/Triggers: None. Genre: Vignette, One-sided Words: 412
This is awesome! Clark as the Big Blue Boy Scout (I love that part of him!) and Selina realizing that he was genuine and her hopes for having a chance with him. So much packed into such a short story! That's really skillful. :)
Aw, this is sweet and a bit sad, just the right amount. I love how complex their interaction is, with his honest refusal intriguing Selina at exactly the same time it discourages her.
I also loved the little bit of uncertainty she has over who the hell exactly the man is dating. :P Canon agrees with you!
Comments 4
I also loved the little bit of uncertainty she has over who the hell exactly the man is dating. :P Canon agrees with you!
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