Doctor Who Fiftieth Anniversary

Nov 19, 2013 22:43

I have just worked out what I want to happen in the Fiftieth Anniversary episode. I want John-Hurt-Doctor to regenerate into Peter-Capaldi-Doctor at the end. Three subcategories are possible:

(1) We kill off Matt-Smith-Doctor completely at the end, and see him buried in his grave (as seen in the previous episode). He is hereinafter known as "Last Doctor". Tennant becomes "Last But One Doctor" and Eccleston becomes "Last But Two Doctor". Capaldi is the tenth doctor, and as long as we never see any incarnation regenerate into Eccleston, the end can be postponed indefinitely.
(2) Just leave Smith, Tennant and Eccleston as some kind of paradoxical non-linear regenerations. He's a Time Lord: why should his history be linear?
(3) Smith/Tennant/Eccleston are not the Doctor at all. Maybe they thought they were, but they were a diversion set up by Hurt. Or maybe they're another Time Lord: say, Romana, filling in for the Doctor because she knows the universe needs a Doctor, even when the original is indisposed.

If I am right about any of this, nobody will be more surprised than me.


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