Title: A Simple Boy
dorksidefikerFandom: Voltron Force
Table/Prompt: Table 3/3. Simple Things
Character/Pairing: Keith, Lance, mentions of Daniel
Rating: PG
Word Count: 293
Summary: Keith is somewhat less than impressed with Daniel.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Somehow, Keith managed to keep a straight face until the children had shuffled out of the classroom. But he was not made of stone, and as soon as the door glided shut, he started laughing. For once, Lance exorcized more control over himself than his friend and fearless leader, not speaking until the laughter had subsided.
“At the Academy, he expected to fly jets in First Year,” Lance deadpanned. Keith stared at his friend in bemusement, clutching the edge of one of the desks as he fought to regain his breath. Then he groaned.
“How is he not dead?” Keith asked. “I mean, really. How?”
“God watches over children and fools,” Lance suggested. “At least he’s got the chops to back it up.”
Keith favored Lance with a wry look. “This is starting to sound familiar,” he mused, the barest hint of teasing creeping in to his voice. “In fact, all he needs is a bomber jacket about three sizes too large…” He looked Lance up and down, then grinned.
“He’ll grow out of the stupid,” Lance assured him. “Or he’ll get himself killed. Sink or swim.”
“I’m more worried about him sinking everyone around him,” Keith pointed out. “We’re already fighting a war on two fronts. We can’t afford to lose anyone to one boy who can’t follow orders when he needs to.”
Lance let out a weary sigh, slumping against the wall and pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “Tell me something I don’t know.”