
May 31, 2005 11:24

Why shouldn't my arm be the way it is?? i'm so stressed out right now...i cant even take anymore....i'm goin so crazy rite now i'm gonna die...at least...i want to. I dont even know why the hell i bother tryin to help out situations that cant be solved. Everytime i try to help someone out, they either dont pay attention, dont care, dont wanna hear ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

miss_compulsive June 1 2005, 07:05:22 UTC
thinking helps to come to a solution. whether the solution is worth it or not is a different question. you shouldnt be asking "Why shouldn't my arm be the way it is?? " but 'why is it the way it is??'. i wont run or hide from you. believe me i know how you feel, the only other person who i can talk to is a friend who did the same. she is on anti-depressents now and she seems to be getting happy again. have you ever thought about that? going on medication? its not the best option but if it saves your life then it cant be that bad...can it?. you can talk to me and if you just want someone to listen, i will. if you want someone to care and talk to you about stuff, i will. i used to think i was disgusting and gross because of my arm, legs and stomach but now as i slowly watch them fade away i think..'i never really had control over myself'.. i still dont have total control but i dont cut..the urges are there but my will power is starting to overcome them.. i can sit and type as much as i want for you to stop cutting and thinking about ( ... )


doming512 June 1 2005, 14:12:51 UTC
...i can't go on medication...i dont even look at my arm...it's too discusting...i cant do anything i used to do. My cuts...dont fade away...mine have been there for a while and i think they're staying...


miss_compulsive June 2 2005, 09:31:41 UTC
my cuts only started fading 5 months later. maybe talk to a councellor? i dont know what to do. sorry i am no help.


doming512 June 2 2005, 14:03:41 UTC
that's not true, you're helping alot...thanx


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