Friday The 13th.

Jul 13, 2012 16:20

Since it is Friday the 13th, I thought we could talk about movies that scare me. Like really scare me. Because some movies are a little suspenseful or have some good jump-fright moments, but finding a movie that actually settles inside me for awhile is hard to do.

6 Movies that scared me. )

ghosts say boo, movie blahblahblahing, vampires suck, scary shit that makes me shit, brainzzzz, the x-files - trust everyone, tv show blahblahblahing, acockalypse, eeeevilll, sister oh sister, the walking dead are coming!, the stand is my apocalypse

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Comments 40

vikingprincess July 13 2012, 23:36:38 UTC
I'm not sure that movies have scared me, per se, but there are definitely three that I have no interest in ever watching again. Frankly, I saw them so long ago that now I'm not sure if they were that scary or just disgusted me.

1. and 2. Seven and Blue Velvet nauseated me. Like, 'wow, I just might puke right now' nauseated. Maybe the overall movie experiences made me both so uncomfortable and unhappy that it came out as nausea? I don't know. I just know I don't want to see them again. Also, everyone in BV had really weird noses. (I know, wtf, brain?)

3. I also hated Fight Club, but I don't think it was because it was scary. I think I thought it was too stupid to be good and too mundanely violent to be fun. Plus, lots of crappy plot holes annoyed me throughout. Maybe if it had been billed as a descent into madness movie I would have had more fun with it. Anyway, no interest in seeing that again, either.

4. Silence of the Lambs was some awesome suspenseful stuff, but turned into one my most effective "I"m so depressed ( ... )


dodger_sister July 16 2012, 20:22:46 UTC
I have never seen Blue Velvet (I've actually never heard of it). 'Seven' was messed the fuck up but oddly I think I'd watch it again. It's been 15 years (can that be right?) since I saw it - there is probably my 19 year old self inside yelling, "Noooooo."

You hated Fight Club? But, it was awesome! The idea behind it that they were the same person and that he was just this guy who lived this normal mundane life and then just...broke. I don't know, love that movie. I have always wanted to read the book, just to compare ( ... )


vikingprincess July 16 2012, 23:04:41 UTC
Fight Club had a bigger major plot hole than Citizen Kane. And their "logic" wasn't. And it made Meatloaf look like a lameass loser. Plus, illogical in a way that wasn't crazy and fun, but stupid. The book probably is better, but I can't be bothered to try it because the movie was so bad.

That's awesome, that Hopkins did that - I probably would have turned around and punched him in the face, though. Twice or three times.

Me toooo! No, I meant to but then it slipped my mind. I'll try to do that, though.

ONE Avengers nightmare. ONE. Because being chased by the Hulk would be totes terrifying!

The Alien franchise is pretty awesome. The first two are probably the best. 3 tries too hard with the Christian imagery. The fourth one does some interesting new things and has some cool moments. Aliens Vs Predator is big fun. I want to see AVP Requiem and Prometheus.


dodger_sister July 17 2012, 00:12:43 UTC
And it made Meatloaf look like a lameass loser.

Really? But his character, Bob, was my favorite of all the Paper Street boys. I literally cried when he died.

That's awesome, that Hopkins did that - I probably would have turned around and punched him in the face, though. Twice or three times.

Yeah, me too. Then he really would have had a story to tell, if the girl had beat the shit out of him for it. ;)

Oh, I highly recommend American Horror Story to you - it is right up your alley and the ghost story aspect of it is awesomely scary. Plus, they only run half seasons, so it will only be 13 episodes of your time to check it out. I recommend watching the first season because it was so good, but since each season is a different story with different characters, you could just start up this fall with season two ( ... )


ceitfianna July 14 2012, 06:04:54 UTC
I'm not a fan of horror movies as I'm a very jumpy person and don't like gore a lot.

The Blair Witch Project freaked me out when I saw it in the theaters and The Sixth Sense. Other than those two, I don't know. There's a scene in Spaceballs that always gives me the shudders, their Alien parody.

Generally I just avoid horror movies if I can or watch lighter one likes The Faculty.


dodger_sister July 16 2012, 20:32:45 UTC
Using my Faculty icon because you know how I feel about that movie! That is one of those classic teen movies that can't really be scary but is still so good.

I'm not a fan of horror movies as I'm a very jumpy person and don't like gore a lot.

Ha! And my sister wanted us to watch 28 Days Later that one night. That would have been a terrible idea.

I loved The Sixth Sense but it was definitely freaky. The scene where they are in the school and the kid looks up and sees all the ghosts of the people who had been hanged. /shiver/ But as scared as I was during it, as soon as it was over, I was fine.

Spaceballs is awesome! My dad was a huge Mel Brooks fan so we watched a lot of his movies as kids but Spaceballs is a family favorite. But I do remember when I was a kid that the alien-stomach scene freaked me out too. Maybe that is why I never got around to watching the actual Alien movie.


rhymephile July 15 2012, 03:36:46 UTC
I hate gory movies and slasher films. But I do like scary movies like The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity, both of which I saw in the theatres. I had trouble sleeping after I saw Paranormal Activity. Have you seen that one? That didn't scare you? I couldn't sleep with the bedroom door open the way I normally would after that damn film because I kept expecting to have something standing over me or breathing in my ear like in the movie. *shudder*


dodger_sister July 16 2012, 20:52:28 UTC
Oh yeah, I much prefer 'suspense' and 'thriller' over 'gore' any day. Unless it is a zombie movie. But like "The Saw" movies - my little cousin was really into those and she always wanted me to watch them and I just had no desire to.

I haven't seen Paranormal Activity! I really wanted to and usually I can talk my sister into going to most scary movies that I want. But her bff went and saw PA on opening weekend and as soon as she got home from the theater, she called my sister and made her talk to her for awhile until she had calmed down. She still says it is the scariest thing she has ever seen in her life. So naturally, my sister was like, "Uh no, I am not going to see that movie with you." I still keep trying to talk her into it but she is standing firm. It's no fun to watch movies like that by yourself.

I couldn't sleep with the bedroom door open the way I normally would after that damn film because I kept expecting to have something standing over me or breathing in my ear like in the movie. *shudder*You know what? I ( ... )


rhymephile July 17 2012, 16:57:17 UTC
Well, they kind of ruined the end of Paranormal Activity in the trailer, to be honest. When the big payoff happened I was like, "Shit, I saw that in the trailer!" I enjoy movies where the suspense is what's making your heart beat a million miles an hour, and PA was definitely one of those movies. The special effects were also very well done for it being a low-budget film ( ... )


dodger_sister July 20 2012, 01:54:01 UTC
I tried to talk my sister into Paranormal Activity again after this ocnversation with you and she still refuses. Apparently someone at work told her how she had seen the movie with her husband and then her husband woke up in the middle of the night screaming and jumped out of bed running around the house like screaming and checking random things for like two minutes until he finally took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I think I am awake now. I'm okay." My sister was like, "Yeah, so...I am not going to see that movie then."

School Spirits is on SyFy, Weds at 10 - HERE and I only have seen the one episode, so it may just be that was the most terrifing of all the episodes, but I was freaked out. Spoilers for that episode...This college dorm room was haunted and the thing kept saying the boy's name over and over and then he brought a friend in with him to try to talk to it. After awhile, he couldn't sleep and he was scared all the time and he had a priest come in. But that didn't work, so like he just started ignoring it and the ' ( ... )


ranua July 16 2012, 11:16:46 UTC
I'm more of a psychological horror fan than gore, but for the life of me I can't come up with any horror movies that I've seen since the early 90's.

In high school my friends and I watched all those squeal/jump/laugh movies like Halloween and the Nightmare on Elm St series and the Hellraiser films. But I don't think I've watched a modern horror flick all the way through, only bits and pieces as I decide, 'no I'm not gonna court nightmares'

That being said I saw this movie: V/H/S, come up on my twitter feed and thought it looked really good. Mind you, I'll most likely never see it, but it looks deliciously scary.


dodger_sister July 16 2012, 21:12:00 UTC
I like suspense and thrillers more than just straight up gore films. Like I never have any desire to watch the Saw movies, but even with their kind of cheesiness I love the Final Destination movies because you spend the whole time like biting your nails, "Is that going to kill him? How about that? Is that thing over there?" I also like movies where the monster is right around the corner and the person doesn't know, but you as the viewer do ( ... )


wolfrider89 September 5 2012, 16:17:59 UTC
Well, you already know about The Cabin in the Woods, but I have another one, now that you mention it. What was is called? Oh, yeah, The Village. (I think. I seem to have misplaced my memory)

I was kind of young when I watched it, and it was the first really "scary" movie that I saw. I just remember having to stay and talk to my cousins for two hours afterwards, because I was so wound up on adrenaline I couldn't think straight.

Other than that, there aren't many movies that have really scared me. Could be because I don't watch all that much horror. (except when it's a TV show, apparently. Then bring on the horror! Maybe I should try The Walking Dead?)


dodger_sister September 13 2012, 19:21:27 UTC
I loved Cabin in the Woods! But we talked about how I wasn't really that scared from it. I jumped a few times for sure, but I didn't have trouble sleeping that night.

The Village! My one true husband, Joaquin Phoneix, is in that! In general, I love M. Knight Shamamamamalyn <--sure, that's how you spell that. But of his movies, 'Signs' is my favorite, though I think 'The Sixth Sense' is his scariest movie ever. Have you seen The Sixth Sense? I enjoyed The Village but I wasn't that scared by it, mostly because I figured out the 'twist' pretty early on ( ... )


wolfrider89 September 25 2012, 21:37:31 UTC
I love M. Knight Shamamamamalyn <--sure, that's how you spell that.

That is totally how you spell that. And pronounce it. Yup.

'Signs' is my favorite

I loved Signs! I was so into Mel Gibson (god, what was I thinking?) back then and the aliens were creepy but not too scary. I remember by brother being really, really scared though. (Then again, he was scared of Buffy. Which resulted in me not being allowed to watch it. Bastard. Then again, he was maybe seven. :p)

Have you seen The Sixth Sense?

I have not! This is a tragedy. I've always loved Bruce Willis (not regretting that one) and I've heard so much about it. Actually, I'm completely spoiled, but I think it would be cool to watch anyway.

You shoud definitely try The Walking Dead!

Putting it on my list of things to download when I get home and have a private internet again!

I also recommend the first season of American Horror StoryNope, haven't seen that. Sounds creepy as hell. Is there like a main character or two that you can care about, or is it all just creep? (I ( ... )


dodger_sister September 30 2012, 18:32:01 UTC
I loved Signs! I was so into Mel Gibson (god, what was I thinking?)

Wow. Yeah, what were you thinking? lol Lots of people were into Mel Gibson. He was the golden pretty boy for about a decade and people couldn't get enough of him. Little did we know back then what a nutcase he is.

How could you watch Signs and not be in love with Joaquin? Sometimes I catch it starting on TV and, despite owning it, I will wait to watch the moment where the kids are in the cornfield screaming and Joaquin wakes up and falls out of bed. I don't know why it amuses me so much. He has such a sexy voice too. Now I want to watch all the Joaquin movies I own.

I remember by brother being really, really scared though. (Then again, he was scared of Buffy. Which resulted in me not being allowed to watch it. Bastard. Then again, he was maybe seven. :p)That blows. Well, first of all my parents never paid attention to what we were doing which resulted in me watching some really messed up movies at a young age, but if something was too scary for someone in ( ... )


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