Happy 5th Of July!!

Jul 05, 2012 22:24

Er, yeah. I was going to make a post yesterday with President Whitmore's epic speech, because nothing says Freedom like kicking alien ass. But then I was too tired. Because we had a cookout yesterday. Cook-out, as in outside. In the heat. With the heat advisory. And the triple digits. Because we are crazy people ( Read more... )

weather or not, comfort movies - jurassic impact day, stupid things that make me cry, my girls, movie blahblahblahing, family circus, cats are squishy fun!, die comcast die, aliens probe you, real life, fourth of july - explosions in the sky, books ah books, detroit till we die

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Comments 17

vikingprincess July 6 2012, 02:39:30 UTC
WRIIIIIIIIIIITE! (But you may already be in bed by now.)


dodger_sister July 9 2012, 20:26:55 UTC
I was actually still awake when this comment came in. I had just seen that a friend who lives nearby had lost her power and I was trying to talk her into coming to spend the weekend with me. By the time I got done with that conversation (and my getting ready for bed rituals) it was only 15 minutes before bedtime. So that decision turned out to be easy.

I didn't do so good on my writing last week - I only hit my 500 word mark (that seems to happen at the beginning of every month for some reason). Hopefully I'll do better this week. I need to put up my word count from last month too.


vikingprincess July 10 2012, 00:24:33 UTC
I was not creative in the fanfic sense this week, but I did write a lot. It was just for a very narrow audience.

Back to work on the 27th - 18 days. Ugh. That'll murder the hell out of my writing.


dodger_sister July 10 2012, 01:01:24 UTC
Back to work on the 27th - 18 days.

First of all, that is not nearly a long enough vacation. And second of all, it still boggles my mind that you all go back to school so early.


fragrantwoods July 6 2012, 12:51:51 UTC
Nothing says "happy birthday, America" like going out into triple digit heat and starting a cooking fire. It does sound like you had fun, though :-)

The weather is crazy everywhere! Even without the internet/cable, I bet you were celebrating air conditioning as well.


dodger_sister July 9 2012, 20:51:07 UTC
Nothing says "happy birthday, America" like going out into triple digit heat and starting a cooking fire.

It does sound like the kind of stupid thing Americans do that make the rest of the world shake their heads at us. We did have a really nice cookout - I kind of like that it turned out to be a smaller crowd than we expected. I got to spend more time talking with each person that way.

The weather is crazy everywhere! Even without the internet/cable, I bet you were celebrating air conditioning as well.

Hell yes. It was 102 here in MI the other day and yet, somehow, only 75 in LA. What's up with that? It has finally gotten down to the mid 80s here but I just got off the phone with my dad and he informs me that it will be back up in the high 90s next week.


ranua July 10 2012, 11:21:19 UTC
sounds like the cookout was a success, that's good. Sometimes smaller is better, less chance of family craziness and more togetherness, ya know.

The book sounds interesting. I enjoy a good recitation of disasters. I've always thought tornadoes are one of the scarier things mother nature throws at us and the way a storm can come up across the whole of the central plains and have huge tornadoes from Minnesota through Oklahoma and Colorado to Illinois all in one day is intense.

The heat's been pretty nasty here too, though this week we're down in the upper 80's as opposed to triple digits. Makes me wonder what the rest of the summer has in store.


dodger_sister July 14 2012, 19:33:05 UTC
The cookout did go well. I really love how we always manage to get both sides of our family together. There are so many overlaps and community ways in which they all know each other that we all kind of feel like one big family that way - (even though my parents still won't be in the same room with each other, the rest of the families have no problem with it).

I enjoy a good recitation of disasters. I've always thought tornadoes are one of the scarier things mother nature throws at us

I have had a few run-ins with tornadoes in my life - nothing quite as deseperate as you would see on like Storm Stories or such - but enough that I have developd a bizarre fascination and fear of them. Like I am a fan of natural disaster movies and stuff but in RL, tornadoes just captive me. This book is so amazing. I need to do a little post about it. The featured county in the book got hit with an F5 and an F4 within like an hour of each other. It is unprecedented in history for that to happen.

The heat's been pretty nasty here too, though this ( ... )


matchboximpala July 28 2012, 01:45:52 UTC
I've started doing my step aerobics while listening to music on my headphones and watching movies simultaneously with the sound muted and subtitles on, because being distracted by the movie makes me exercise longer.

And you know what? President Whitmore's ID speech can make you cry even if you are reading it with sweat dripping down your face while you are pumping hand weights up in the air and jumping up and down on a step platform.


dodger_sister July 31 2012, 18:00:49 UTC
because being distracted by the movie makes me exercise longer.

Me too! A couple of summers ago, I tried watching Deadwood while working out. My workout went from one hour to two because I had to keep stopping and going back to watch whatever I had missed on the TV. Listening to music works better for me, especially because it pumps me up, but I find I do tend to lose count of how many reps I have done when I am singing along!

And you know what? President Whitmore's ID speech can make you cry even if you are reading it with sweat dripping down your face while you are pumping hand weights up in the air and jumping up and down on a step platform.

LOL Good to know. What a lovely picture you paint. ;)


matchboximpala August 1 2012, 01:57:29 UTC
If only someone had been there with a camera. That picture would have been legen-wait for it-dary.


wolfrider89 September 5 2012, 15:41:24 UTC
I can't believe I'm so behind I haven't even read this post from July 5. It's a sad state of affairs.

I know what you mean about just having to sleep after being so hot, and I hope you didn't end up dehydrated or something.

I'm glad you had a good time at the cook out, despite the heat, and I hope the book got less air pressure-y and more stormy. :)


dodger_sister September 6 2012, 22:43:28 UTC
I can't believe I'm so behind I haven't even read this post from July 5. It's a sad state of affairs.

Wow. I thought I was hardcore catching up on my Flist after one month. You could just skip ahead to like the last two weeks. (I say that even though I have never been able to bring myself not to catch up when I miss several weeks in a row ( ... )


wolfrider89 September 8 2012, 08:45:28 UTC
You could just skip ahead to like the last two weeks.

I might do that, since I didn't manage to catch up last time I tried. We'll see. It's hard to skip stuff. :)

I had drank 120 ounces and I didn't pee for like 5 hours.

*converts ounces to liters* Woah, that's a lot! It does sound like you were in dire need of water, in any case.

That book does sound compelling! The human stories are always the most interesting, aren't they? Like the dad who looked for his kid. I'm glad it got so good, bb. :)


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