How My Nephew Is A Genius.

May 11, 2012 21:59

The Nephew’s birthday is on Sunday. This means Sunday is Mother’s Day, The Nephew’s 6th birthday and my 2nd LJ anniversary. His party is Saturday. They are having it at a park so here’s crossing my fingers that is doesn’t rain and that it isn’t as cold as the last time. It is a robot theme party, so my sister made a giant robot costume out of a ( Read more... )

the nephew, sports talk - all about the uniforms, writing blahblahblahing, birthdays, robots - lick my battery, fan-kids, sleep now, family circus, avengers - more than a team, avatar not the one with blue people, art blahblahblahing, real life, sister oh sister

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Comments 30

vikingprincess May 12 2012, 03:08:38 UTC
Ha, he was totally watching Young Avengers! :D (why yes, my dork flag IS waving high ( ... )


dodger_sister May 15 2012, 02:33:40 UTC
Young Avengers, eh? He has been renting a lot of dvds because they don't have TV hookup, so his dad just rents things and get stuff from the library. So he keeps calling me to tell me about all these retro cartoons he has been watching. Now, is Girl!Thor actually Thor's daughter? The Nephew said it was. I should have known you would know what he was watching!

My brother still has problems with proper discipline and he has a short temper for sure (though in comparision to my dad's, it is nothing at all) but one thing he has done outstanding on is The Nephew's education ( ... )


vikingprincess May 15 2012, 02:37:41 UTC
I'm certain that if diagnoses had run as rampant in my childhood as they do now, I would have been labeled autistic, rather than skipped ahead a grade. I barely spoke to anyone for anything in school.

They know it's important, they say it's important, but they don't DO ANYTHING to back that up. Grrrrr.

Eight more school days before sweet summer freedom.


dodger_sister May 15 2012, 02:56:00 UTC
I didn't know you skipped a grade. That's cool.

I never talked to anyone at school either. It was unbearable really.

My mom was always convinced that my little brother was autistic and now she is insintent that The Nephew is. Which neither of them are at all.

Eight more school days before sweet summer freedom.

Really? WHOO-HOO!! We don't get out here until like June 15th.


denig37 May 12 2012, 09:07:43 UTC
Nephew rules ( ... )


dodger_sister May 15 2012, 02:43:49 UTC
My nephew does rule! :)

I had the same problem in school when I was little, sadly stupid teacher didn't recognize why I didn't pay attention (because I was bored obviously) and wrote it don into my school files.Yeah, exactly, this. The Nephew's dad was labeled as behavioral problems and they wanted to put him in the 'special' class because they thought he was stupid. Turns out, he is freakishly very smart and he was just bored out of his head. No one at the school was paying enough attention and he ended up dropping out of school, which is such a waste ( ... )


denig37 May 15 2012, 10:40:15 UTC
Hope you guys manage to find a way for the picking up thing...if not he can always start learning languages (I speak 5 total), it's best starting up as a kid (he's in the best age right now), because his brain learns it differently and it will be much more easier on him if he decides learn them when he grows up some (trust me, know this from experience). You could get him some of these self-learning kits and maybe try with him (there's a chance that after a while his own family won't have a clue what he's saying if you don't :-D).

everything you have ever said about your mom, she just sounds like the awesomest mom ever!She really is :-D She won't shy away from anything (like how babies are made for example :-D She explained it from the biological side, how it works, got us a brochure with pics too...Screw birds and bees or storks! :-D ( ... )


dodger_sister May 15 2012, 21:56:55 UTC
He already speaks quite a bit of Spanish (more than I ever did even when I was taking Spanish). One of those audio kits on languages would be a good idea! When I worked in child care, we had this 3 year old girl who could do the entire opening song of Beauty and The Beast even though half of it was in French. I was so amazed because sometimes I couldn't understand her English and yet here she was speaking French.

Dude! Freaking out because a kid climbed a tree?Idek. My cousin's kid is 12 and they treat him like such a baby. They won't even let him walk home from school and he lives like 5 blocks from the school. I was already steadily babysitting other people's kids by the time I was 12 and they won't let him stay home alone. I don't know what his dad's position is on all this but both my aunt and my mom keep telling me how 'immature' the kid is. I am like, "Maybe if everyone would stop treating him like a baby, he'd stop acting like one ( ... )


shirebound May 12 2012, 13:29:26 UTC
You have a terrific nephew, and he has a terrific Auntie. :)


dodger_sister May 15 2012, 02:44:26 UTC
You have a terrific nephew, and he has a terrific Auntie. :)

Thank you! I think so, but I may be biased. Just a little. ;)


lizibabes May 12 2012, 17:30:51 UTC
He sounds so cute and awesome, I'm glad he liked the bday story, I also love his plan to calm the Hulk down, when I was a kid I mainly asked why only his shirt ripped off, I knew why, I just loved making people try and explain it.

I need to see the Avengers, everyone says it's good and it is my kind of thing and I will probably still make jokes about why are they hiding the hulks green parts, because I'm a child.

It sounds really good all the different things your all geting him involved with, reading, art, sport, the teachers will have to just work harder to keep him interested in class, because from the sounds of it he'll just be getting smatter :D

Hmmmm time to think of a fictional meeting before sunday :D


dodger_sister May 15 2012, 02:50:42 UTC
The Nephew is the cutest. I wish I could put up pictures but I'd have to ask his parents and then they would want to see my journal and

when I was a kid I mainly asked why only his shirt ripped off, I knew why, I just loved making people try and explain it.

LOL I know, that always bugged me too. You were a little smartmouth, weren't you? ;)

Yes! Go see The Avengers! You will ship all the boys with all the boys! Plus, awesome superhero badassery!

why are they hiding the hulks green parts, because I'm a child. I still giggle whenever anyone says the word 'balls'. Now I will giggle everytime the Hulk's clothes rip off too ( ... )


lizibabes May 15 2012, 19:01:58 UTC
LOL yeah my blood family will never see my journal, I have people who are like family who read it, but that's different.

Really was a bit of a smartmouth, still am sometimes, I knew when to draw the line with parents and grandparents, but not teachers or other people who didn't always like it :)

A friend wants to go to the cinema this week, I might try and influnce them into seeing the Avengers instead and I will probably ship everyone. Who doesn't like a good superhero?

Maturity is over rated, when I was training to be a chef you couldn't say, balls, big, deep, ring, grese, ect with out it coursing a giggle

The skipping grade thing always seemed interesting to me, because the schools here don't do it. The smart enough/social skills things pretty interesting to me (because I'm a ned lol) But it's great that your brothers taking the time to do all the stuff he does, I know a lot of people who wouldn't. Your right about extra attention in schools, we have the same issue here.


dodger_sister May 15 2012, 22:11:29 UTC
My sister knows about my journal because she actually has had one for years. But the rest of my family? No way. I need a place where I can vent about them without worrying that they might read it.

The Avengers is good fun for everyone! Hope your friend agrees to go see it.

They do let kids skip a grade if their academics are so good that they are too advanced for the stuff they are learning. But they also take into consideration whether they are socially/emotionally ready to be in a grade with older kids. Like my nephew isn't because he doesn't socially interact with kids at the level that a 6 year old should (probably because he was an only child who hasn't attended daycare since he was like 3 - he isn't used to dealing with other kids).


wolfrider89 May 15 2012, 13:07:40 UTC
The Nephew is melting my heart with his awesomeness. I hope he had a fantastic birthday and that he liked his presents. :)

It's though with school, because you'd think it would be a good thing that the kid learns so fast and that they would encourage that, but what is the teacher supposed to do when they have have all these other kids to take into account too? It's a weird system. I hope his dad and him can get him into art and stuff, that sounds like fun. :)


dodger_sister May 15 2012, 22:21:04 UTC
The Nephew is melting my heart with his awesomeness.

Awwww. He melts my heart too. I can't wait to find time to tell you guys all about his party. It was the best kid's party I have ever been too. And he loved his presents. This remminds me that I have to call him and see how he liked his story since we didn't have time to read it at his party.

The school thing is weird because there are too many kids in each class and the teachers struggle so hard to help the kids who are falling behind, that the kids who are exceeding very well don't get the extra push they need. I went to a really good adult program in high school where my English teacher realized that I had basically been passing all my classes while asleep and decided to pull me aside while the others kids were working on their projects and make me do extra work that nobody else had to do. I was pissed at the time because I was working two jobs and I didn't want to have to work in school too, but I learned so much about writing from her that I am glad she did it.


wolfrider89 May 16 2012, 08:26:26 UTC
I'm glad he had a good party, and that he liked his presents. :)

Yeah, it's like the kids who do well just have to sit and wait for everyone else to catch up, which would make anyone hate school. (I now have an image of Sherlock in first grade, just sitting there drumming his fingers while everyone else learns the alphabet. I bet that's why he's so rude all the time. :P) I feel bad for the teachers too, because it must be so frustrating to not have the time to challenge each kid individually with what that kid needs. Basically, the school system is fucked up.


dodger_sister May 17 2012, 01:35:28 UTC
(I now have an image of Sherlock in first grade, just sitting there drumming his fingers while everyone else learns the alphabet. I bet that's why he's so rude all the time. :P)

I bet that's why he is so rude all the time too! LOL Now I kind of want that fic. Like wee!Sherlock being so bored in class and then the new kid shows up and Sherlock wants to 'study' him and John just wants Sherlock to play blocks with him. (I started giggling so hard while typing that up that my sister was like, "What are you giggling about?") That would never happen though - Sherlock's family had money, they probably sent him to a realy good school.


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