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Comments 9

vikingprincess March 12 2012, 02:20:14 UTC
You are rockin' the writin' casbah, and I especially admire that you COMPLETE things. This is very hard for me to do.

On the road a lot of tomorrow, going to and returning from my aunt's funeral. Just finished tonight's TWD. I'm in shock. Horrible, horrible shock.

You should go read the little requesty fics I've managed to complete for people, here. The fics are in the comments. They helped distract me Thursday through today. You may enjoy them. There are many crossovers. Eventually I will post them on their own, and to communities.

Off to bed for me, as I have to get up obscenely early and drive 4.5 hours to a little beyond Atlanta. My husband is coming with, but he'll need to sleep then, as he doesn't get off work until after midnight tonight.


dodger_sister March 21 2012, 20:33:36 UTC
Thank you, babe! I do get a lot of completed fic but it helps that I rarely write anything over 3,000 words. lol Hell, most of the time my stuff is 1,000 words or less. I did recently get a really good idea for an X-Men fic that would be probably 6,000 words or so. I really want to write it for my sister's birthday in June.

I saw your comment-fic post, but like all things on my Flist that I want to respond to, it just got tagged and saved for when I am feeling better.

I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. I just recently saw all your posts from your horrible, horrible week. I am so sorry everything was going so terrible for you (and with the awful news about the drama club at your school). /big hugs/ I am glad the writing at least helped you through the week.


vikingprincess March 22 2012, 00:21:18 UTC
Do eet! DOOOOO EEEEEEET! Because not only your sister would benefit from such a thing, you know.

I hope you feel better VERY soon, and not just because I'm a shameless comment whore. Nope, not a bit of it!

Argh, thank you. It's not been rainbows, unicorns, or hot naked men over here. Like, at ALL. And sadly, it's not just a drama club that's been murdered - it's all of the drama classes at the school, too. Pffffft, gone.

Maybe I need to write another story like "Rose-Colored Glasses," where someone I know in real life gets just desserts in fiction. Hmmmmmm....


dodger_sister March 22 2012, 20:22:08 UTC
I am so shocked you are encouraging me to write an X-Men fic. This is not the response I expected. /smirk/

it's all of the drama classes at the school, too.

That's terrible! Why would they do that? And if it is not even a money issue - I just don't understand. Most of those kids will never be subjected to that stuff in their lives - they will never make a choice to study it on their own or have someone introduce them to it - if the school doesn't do it first. Your principal is a bastard. But I suspect you know that.

Maybe I need to write another story like "Rose-Colored Glasses," where someone I know in real life gets just desserts in fiction. Hmmmmmm....

It would definitely be cathertic.


ranua March 13 2012, 01:24:47 UTC
Dang! You go bb! You're a writing machine! :D

I don't know how many words I've managed lately, but I'm pretty sure it's no where near your impressive 6,300. Just you wait though, I finish this BB and I'll get going on all those little ideas that are niggling round my brain. actually, I'll be signing up for the KaneJ2 BB and letting the sequel to Skippin Stone eat my life til it's done, but I can dream right?

I'm looking forward to seeing the Justified fic. There's not enough of it out there imho. And the Dean/Cas AU! I know that will be good :D


dodger_sister March 21 2012, 20:38:50 UTC
Thanks, darling! I haven't been doing as good this month with the writing but considering what a crappy month it has been, any words are good words. I didn't use to keep track of how many words I wrote in a month but even just keeping a word count has helped me feel inspired to keep on writing.

You are signing up for another Big Bang! /claps hands/ I am excited! I was worried the Gabriel BB would dry up all your words.

Wait...you are excited for my Justified fic? Really? I never would have guessed that. /big smirk/


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