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Comments 16

vikingprincess March 1 2012, 03:21:46 UTC
My "something else" would be one of the dragons from Pern, please. Preferably a gold, bronze, or brown. :D


dodger_sister March 3 2012, 04:19:00 UTC
I am going to shamefully admit that I don't actually know the Dragonriders of Pern (that's the name of the series, right?) Is it any good?


vikingprincess March 3 2012, 15:52:50 UTC
Well, it's quite old, so sexism and dub-con (thanks to mental connections to the dragons) is rampant in it, but the premise is pretty cool: fire-breathing dragons and their riders are the only group able to keep a planet from being devoured by Threadfall, a semi-regular rain from space that acts like organic napalm, devouring anything that's not rock when it hits. The dragons burn it out of the sky before it lands.

Because of an erratic set of orbits, though, Thread hasn't falled for about 400 years at the start of the first book, and the dragonriders are diminished and extremely disrespected. One man and one woman, come together from entirely opposite directions and ways of life to work together in preventing the extinction of man- and dragon-kind on Pern.

My introduction to Anne McCaffrey was the first Dragonriders book, which I liked so much I shamelessly stole it from a church camp as a child. :) She also writes space opera.


dodger_sister March 6 2012, 01:54:03 UTC
My introduction to Anne McCaffrey was the first Dragonriders book, which I liked so much I shamelessly stole it from a church camp as a child.

See, that should sound terrible to me but all it sounds like is a glowing reccomendation!


shirebound March 1 2012, 12:52:39 UTC
Great news about your mom! I hope you and sister are on the mend VERY soon.


dodger_sister March 3 2012, 04:22:26 UTC
Thank you, darling.

Mom is doing pretty good post-surgery. My leg isn't great, but whatever snapped in there hasn't done it again - /knock on virtual wood/ - so I'll take that as definitie improvement.

Sadly, my sister has bronchitis. She rarely gets sick, but when she does it is always nasty. On the upside, she now has proper medication, so hopefully she'll be back on her feet soon. She is freaking out about missing almost an entire week of work. She has been using the down-time to read a lot of fanfic though, so I guess that's a bonus. ;)


wolfrider89 March 2 2012, 21:02:14 UTC
Dragons! God, I love dragons. And thus I am ashamed to admit that I have no idea who Appa the Sky Bison is. But Toothless would probably have gotten my vote anyway, because he is too adorable for words.

I'm glad to see the surgery went OK. I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for her! And I hope The Sister feels better soon.



dodger_sister March 3 2012, 04:32:26 UTC
I am so mad at myself. Years ago, I drew out one of the pictures from my Book of Dragons illustrations and it was pretty damn good - but I gifted it to my older brother and I didn't take any photos of it first, so I have nothing to show for it. I would love to have been able to show it to you. Cuz dragons are awesome.

Appa the Sky Bison is from the Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon series. You would love this cartoon. It's a fight between the Earth/Water/Air nations against the evil Fire Nation and three kids, their lemur and their Sky Bison set out to save the world and well...it's a lot more complicated than that, all full of mythology and history and war and family and friendship and that theme I love so much, 'the family we make'.

Your vote for Toothless broke the tie and now he is winning! I voted Toothless as well - he is just so full of personality...plus Appa is really big, idk where we would park him outside the school. ;)

Appa loves his boy so muchThanks! My mom seems to be doing good. My sister just found out ( ... )


wolfrider89 March 3 2012, 20:44:36 UTC
Dragons are the best. I spent my teenage years mourning the fact that they weren't real. IDK if you've ever played Heroes III, but there are dragons in the game, and before you start this great, awesome illustration shows up. I could stare at that for hours. It's so beautiful and cool and awesome. And did I mention awesome?

Dude, I might have to watch that. It sounds awesome. Is it Japanese? The roommate would be so shocked if I watched anime of my own volition.

Aaaw, that's adorable. I love his six legs. :)

*runs "bronchitis" through translator* Ouch, that sucks. :S It's good about the medicine, though.


dodger_sister March 6 2012, 02:07:28 UTC
I have never even heard of Heroes III. A video game?

There is a How To Train Your Dragon video game. I bought it for The Nephew and then I was kind of jealous. Now that I have a Wii, I may have to get it for myself.

Avatar: The Last Airbender is not japanese, though it certainly pulls a lot from Asian origins. It was put out by Nickelodeon. Like Harry Potter, the maturity level grows as the kids in the series grow. Aang the Avatar is roughly 10 when the series starts, so it's a little young but the level of issues grow increasingly with the war they are battling. The wikipedia entry here.

I wanted to buy an Appa doll for The BFF for Christmas but they are like $60. :(


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