So You Think You Can Kill Zombies.

Jul 09, 2011 21:06


Vacation was awesome. I have so many things to tell you. The BFF and I had some of the wackiest conversations with each other - man, do we think we are funny. And I have pictures to show you! Then like a million things have happened since I got home. I've been to therapy twice, so I have therapy stories to amuse you all. The ( Read more... )

vacation - all i ever wanted, real life, lj stuffs, sister oh sister, things i stole, the nephew, sytycd get your groove on, friends 4evah, dance-geek, the bff is my bestest best friend, poll/meme thingy, brainzzzz, family circus, tv show blahblahblahing, zombie killing dance troupe, cyborg ninja dance troupe, crack my brain

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Comments 35

denig37 July 10 2011, 03:08:34 UTC
I can't wait to read everything :-D
And PICS!!! You brought pics! YAY! :-D
Awesome!...Soooo want to see the pics...and the happy couple (there will be some pics of them right?) :-D
SO excited to have you back! :-D


denig37 July 10 2011, 03:09:46 UTC
YAY! First comment! :-D


dodger_sister July 22 2011, 04:49:26 UTC
Yay!! 8)


dodger_sister July 22 2011, 04:49:01 UTC
heehee Thank you, darling. It's always nice to be missed.

Vacation post is up and the pics are in Part 2.

Enjoy those!

Edited a bazillion times because it is too late at night for me to remember how to code things!! Sorry.


vikingprincess July 10 2011, 03:45:03 UTC
Welcome back! I can't wait to hear all kinds of awesome stories from your trip. My big news is that I redid all my tags and now they are not boring. Also, I dug out Firefly fics from the vault. And made two Gambit and one Rogue banner and posted a completely over the top character manifesto for why Rogue is the baddest bitch that ever walked the earth or flew the skies, and is the original steel magnolia to boot.

So there are lots of treats for you over at my journal and I hope you will have time to visit there soon. *hugs* Welcome back, again!


dodger_sister July 22 2011, 04:56:31 UTC
I would say, "Vacation post is up now!" and "Vacation was awesome!" but you've already read/commented on both my posts. lol So, I'm apparently still catching up on things!

But I did want to say...I have everything bookmarked to read! I think the Firefly stuff has to go at the top of the list. I love how you write women, especially Rogue, so I really look forward to reading things you wrote for Kaylee.

Seriously, I know some of it is reposting old things, but dude, you were very prolific while I was gone!!

I have been given instructions not to spend too much time at my computer this weekend because it is jacking up my hip and my shoulder. But I have fic to read! Times like this, I wish I had a laptop.


vikingprincess July 22 2011, 11:08:45 UTC
Heh, the Firefly stuff is not just old, it's ancient - like, the first things I wrote when I was getting back into writing after DECADES of hiatus. So, kinda bad. The things I was recommending are by, um, brandywine00? I think that's her name. and they are lovely.

However, I blush at the lovely compliment!

Laptops are the bomb - but they're not as durable as desktops. Maybe one of the new pad things would be good if you need something light yet cheap?


dodger_sister July 24 2011, 03:36:32 UTC
like, the first things I wrote when I was getting back into writing after DECADES of hiatus. So, kinda bad.

Someday I shall post some of my LotR fics and then you will all see how far my writing has come! lol

Maybe one of the new pad things would be good if you need something light yet cheap?

I firstly want something that I can sit on the couch and read the internet with - (catch up on LJ, read fic) - because I am suppose to be doing so much heating pad/ice pack combos right now and frankly, the couch is more comfy anyways. I would also really like something that I could write with, so I could sit on the porch and write, but then we are talking something that would be more expensive I think.

Basically, I need a sugar-daddy.


vikingprincess July 10 2011, 03:54:32 UTC
Also, your mention of a cyborg ninja dance troupe made me realize that I really needed to share this with you. Ursula Vernon, author and artist, started writing random Regency bits, with ninjas, in her LJ. If you go here SOON and scan from the bottom to the top, you will find them. (alas, she uses no tags, so I could only give you the link to the page where they currently are, so if she updates, they'll move).

THIS IS GOING TO BECOME A BOOK! I can hardly contain my excitement.


dodger_sister July 22 2011, 05:06:07 UTC
Um, so this - “It’s supposed to be good luck if they nest on your roof.”

“Pretty sure that’s storks, old chap,” said Deptford, relaxing as they approached Hyde Park and Blackfarthing was forced to a more decorous pace.

“No, it’s ninjas. My sister Eugenia-you remember Eugenia-went up to her attic looking for something and what should she find but those little woven mats everywhere and a whole pack of them settled in under the eaves?”

...IS GOING TO BE A BOOK?! It seems the ninjas were Irish Ninjas at that!! heehee

Her art was also freaking amazing!!!! Have you been following her blog? I just scrolled through her most recent stuff and the bit about her bf trying to get artists at cons to draw his "character" which is a sparkle-dog who shoots lasers out of his eyes, is LOLARIOUS!


vikingprincess July 22 2011, 11:10:23 UTC
Yes, I've been reading Ursula's journal for a couple of years. Love what she says, does, blathers on about....

But dude. NINJAS. As part of ENGLISH CULTURE (with zombies - I'm sure the child packs are zombies)


dodger_sister July 24 2011, 03:30:44 UTC
You know what would be awesome?

Zombie Ninjas.


menel July 10 2011, 05:50:50 UTC
Welcome back, babe!

I was hoping to have gotten to some of your comments before you got back from vacation, but no luck. I spent this whole Sunday morning catching up on LJ but I was replying to stuff older than yours, so that's not a good sign. :-(

But you're back! With lots of stories to tell and that's always a good thing. Pics too, right? If you're not too lazy-ass about posting them. (Man, I'm not going to hold my breath. And I fully recognize that I'm a lazy ass when it comes to posting pics as well.)

Love the idea of a Zombie-Killing-Dance-Troupe. I shall have to follow in your footsteps and make a fandom zombie post next. Zombie have been on my brain as well. Btw, my zombie team would be so fucking kick ass! LOL. Share it with you soon.

/fist bump/


dodger_sister July 22 2011, 05:24:58 UTC
Thank you! Well, it now took me so long to respond to this comment here, that you have had time to catch up on some of my older stuff. lol We are lame.

If you're not too lazy-ass about posting them. (Man, I'm not going to hold my breath.

Ha! My Vacation Posts Are Up! (Yeah, that said posts, with an "s", cuz I had bunches to say. I know, you aren't shocked by that).

I want to fight Zombies with these people! I keep trying to make a post showing how my Zombie Killing Team kicks ass, but I keep getting distracted watching dance clips. And then I try to find CHAOS clips for you and your Zombie Killing Team, but they are few and far between and instead I get distracted looking at things like THIS!! Your TV-Boyfriend was in a boyband!! (Apparently this was from some TV show he was in).


ranua July 11 2011, 10:48:51 UTC
Glad you made it back from vacation safely. Sounds like you need another one already! I'm looking forward to all your vacation pictures and stories and therapy stories and wee!serious!cousin stories (he's a hoot), but, I can be patient.

Zombie-Killing-Dance-Troupe!! That is epic! (also, in my mind it's ballerinas, so . . )

Missed you too bb, it's been way to quiet around here.


dodger_sister July 22 2011, 05:31:11 UTC
Oh, yes, I put up the vacation post but I still need to tell you my therapy stories. And my Nephew stories.


hahaha - well, they aren't really in pretty pink tutus, though I could see how that type of clothing would be beneficial in that it wouldn't be a hindrance. But I was thinking more along the lines of this - Zombie-Killing-Dance-Troupe!!

I missed you too while I was gone! Is it weird to miss a person on the internet? Well, I did.

PS: That chick in this dance video - Melanie - I have a huge stupid crush on her. Since the first time I saw her in auditions. Just fyi. ;)


ranua July 24 2011, 16:57:18 UTC
Wow! that dance vid is very cool. It was scary easy to visualize them killing zombies during the dancing. What does that say about me as a person?

Is it weird to miss a person on the internet? hell, I miss my pillow (it's a very nice feather pillow, the kind they don't make anymore b/c it's not hypoallergenic) when I go on vacation so I'm gonna say no. :D


dodger_sister July 27 2011, 00:39:50 UTC
It was scary easy to visualize them killing zombies during the dancing. What does that say about me as a person?

Um, that you are awesome and smart? I'm going with that theory!

My poor sister is terribly allergic to feather pillows. Well, I missed you while I was on vacation, but I also missed my Tivo - I'm not sure if that should make you feel better or worse.


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