
Sep 10, 2015 18:32

We're getting a dog! No, not Violet the French Bulldog pup my sister still dreams of, even though it's maybe morally objectionable, but awfully cute. My mom's dog, Winston, to be exact. Winston was staying with my aunt after my mom broke her shoulder, when it looked like it would be a few weeks, but now that she has had the heart attacks and ( Read more... )

shopping is a vice, worrying walrus, happy-face, family circus, furry family, cats are squishy fun!, i need a sugardaddy, sister oh sister

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Comments 15

shirebound September 10 2015, 22:34:35 UTC
Winston continues to be a lucky, lucky doggie, and your decision is so loving. I know you'll all get along wonderfully.


dodger_sister October 18 2015, 23:34:15 UTC
Winston continues to be a lucky, lucky doggie, and your decision is so loving. I know you'll all get along wonderfully.

The cats are taking to him quite well, though I feel like Pippin does feel a bit pushed out of his place, since he is the one who used to sleep with me and now Winston does. But overall, everyone is doing pretty good and we have adjusted our dynamics to having a dog pretty well too. He gets to go see Mom a lot now, every time we go up to the rehab and I send her pictures all the time and I think it helps her mental state to see how well he is doing. I feel like now that we have a dog, I need a second 'pet' icon of our sweet pup!


vikingprincess September 10 2015, 23:34:32 UTC
I look forward to many happy Winston stories from you --and hopefully, no upset kitty stories!


dodger_sister October 18 2015, 23:36:36 UTC
OMG, Winston has taken over my bed! As soon as he sees that I am getting ready for bed, he runs in to my room and stands in the middle of it and waits, As soon as I step foot in my room, he jumps onto the bed cuz he is ready, ready to go to bed with his Lady!!!! It's adorable, even if it was never our intention to let him in the beds at all! (one thunderstorm and we break and put him in bed with us, damn). ;)


vikingprincess October 18 2015, 23:58:39 UTC
Pushy little guy! (I might have caved, too, despite knowing that sometimes a tight little doggie jacket will make them feel more secure during storms. Crying animals = many types of kryptonite!)

How do the kitties feel about sharing the bed?


dodger_sister December 9 2015, 00:06:23 UTC
Pushy little guy! (I might have caved, too, despite knowing that sometimes a tight little doggie jacket will make them feel more secure during storms. Crying animals = many types of kryptonite!)

Winston was frantically trying to get in bed with me - the thunder was gonna get him!! He was spazzed out, I had to do something! He does have a thunder-coat, but it was only Day Two of him being with us and we hadn't gotten all his stuff from Mom's house yet! Now he has his thunder-coat, his regular coat and like five shirts and five pajamas and a sweater and a hoodie and like all the clothes in the world and they all make him feel more secure and less anxious, on the day-to-day and during storms. (yeah, I may have spent $100 on dog clothes - don't judge me!) Also after that storm Mom was like, 'Just leave his crate open and he'll get in there when he's anxious'. Too late, Mom, he sleeps in my bed now!

How do the kitties feel about sharing the bed?Pippin is the only one who ever really slept with me (Kirk would sometimes sleep on my ( ... )


lindahoyland September 11 2015, 00:34:08 UTC
I hope Winston will fit perfectly in your family. It will really help your Mum knowing you have him.


dodger_sister October 18 2015, 23:38:18 UTC
I hope Winston will fit perfectly in your family. It will really help your Mum knowing you have him.

It was an adjustment, but I think we have it down now. All of the animals sort of circled around each other, finding their new spots. It has absolutely helped our mom to know he is well cared for (and spoiled, as we do for our pets!) and she gets to see him a bit more this way, as Sis takes him with her to the rehab every time she goes. :)


ceitfianna September 11 2015, 04:27:36 UTC
*hugs* Good luck with fitting Winston in with everyone. He's such a sweet dog.


dodger_sister December 10 2015, 21:46:45 UTC
*hugs* Good luck with fitting Winston in with everyone. He's such a sweet dog.

Winston has settled in wonderfully! I never want to give him back, tbh. Pippin is a little displaced, just bc he doesn't want to share the bed and between Winston and Hiccup, he def has to share, but I still get a good amount of Pippin cuddles, so it all works out (Yes, Pippin is my special boy, as you know!). Winston is so funny though, like I always knew he was a nice dog, but I never knew how funny he is, he gets so riled up over things like jumping and prancing around when he is happy, it's adorable!


matchboximpala September 11 2015, 05:49:53 UTC

... )


dodger_sister December 10 2015, 21:51:58 UTC
The English Bulldog my friend Carolyn just got is named Winston Blue!

OMG, what a cutie! And an excellent name, if I do say so. My sis wants a French bulldog, but they are so expensive and I have moral issues with breed dogs, but otoh, BULLDOGS ARE SO CUTE!!! I think my mom named her dog after Winston Churchill, which I feel a little icky about, but the name really does suit him.

I am really glad you have Winston there with you now and I hope the cats can make the adjustment without too many issues.

The cats settled in well. Pippin took awhile to get used to the barking - every time our neighbors across the street bring their Shitzu out into the front yard for potty time, Winston goes all protective mode - which is adorable, he acts so fierce over this other dog who can't weigh 6 pounds, lol. But all the cats are used to Winston now and sometimes Hiccup or Pippin will even play with him a bit. TBH, I think they are still more put out about Hiccup being here than they are the dog, lol!


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