Fic: 5X Jensen Thought They Were Dorks and 1X He Knew For Sure - Jensen, Jared/Misha, PG-13, Humor

Aug 01, 2010 19:54

It was 13chapters's birthday a few days back, so I wrote her fic. I know, I know, it's a little belated. I had srz bznz to attend - like marathoning almost the entirety of SPN Season 5 with The Cousin's Sister (I guess that would be The Other Cousin) because she was all pissed that her sister was all caught up and she wasn't. We have two episodes left to ( Read more... )

pair - jared/misha, word count - 1001 to 3000, birthdays, friends 4evah, fic - humor, rating - pg-13, fandom - cw rpf, character - misha collins, written - 2010, art - fic, character - jared padalecki, character - jensen ackles, fiction - mine, fics available in other languages, fic - 5x

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Comments 45

13chapters August 2 2010, 00:48:49 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH YAYYYYY!!!! omg I am so happy with my birthday present!

I love how Jared and Misha's extreme dorkiness makes such a good cover for ~shenanigans~. It's so true!

you have to post this to jaredmisha omg. Everyone must know.


dodger_sister August 2 2010, 01:10:49 UTC
OMG, you read it! You liked it! (I was going to wave at you to let you know I posted you fic, wow you are fast ( ... )


13chapters August 2 2010, 01:14:20 UTC
You should join the comm and then post it!

And of course I saw eye is naturally drawn to my own username.


dodger_sister August 3 2010, 04:12:40 UTC
I am always drawn to my own username as well :)

I joined jaredmisha - mostly because I've become convinced Jensen is going to continue to observe his friends being dorks in love at a later date - ie maybe after I finish my SPN meets The Road fic, very depressingly apocalyptic.

So glad you liked your fic, dude.


jojothecr August 2 2010, 10:30:15 UTC
Aw, lol, poor Jensen. Seriously, he can be slow. But also cute.

Oh, and this is actually the first Jared/Misha fic I've read. J2 all the way, what can I say. ;)


dodger_sister August 3 2010, 01:56:33 UTC
Thanks! Writing this from Jensen's POV was so much fun. I'm tempted to write more because oblivious!Jensen is so cute! :)

This is actually the first Jared/Misha fic I ever wrote. For some reason I normally like to write Misha with Michael Rosenbaum - M2 all the way! :) (that pairing totally makes sense, I tell you!)


flawlessglitch August 3 2010, 03:34:35 UTC
*Dies laughing picturing Jared brushing his teeth, putting on pants, and singing to Van Halen*

But uh Jared's little line to Misha while he was massaging him? HOTTEST THING EVER!

I loved this, all of it, every single bit. <3 <3


dodger_sister August 5 2010, 02:43:20 UTC
*Dies laughing picturing Jared brushing his teeth, putting on pants, and singing to Van Halen*

This is my second favorite image in the fic, right after Jared carrying Misha on his back. :)

But uh Jared's little line to Misha while he was massaging him? HOTTEST THING EVER!

Thanks! That kind of surprised me, and then after I wrote it, I wondered if I needed to up the rating just because, wow that was pornographic. I could write a whole fic elaborating on what happened after Jensen went to wait outside. Hmmm, maybe the reason Jensen didn't figure it out for so long is because he kept walking away before the good stuff happened. :)

Thanks for the love! <3 <3


dragonlit August 3 2010, 03:46:35 UTC
Very cute, Jensen oblivious to the obvious. First Jared/Misha read for me too as I tend towards the Jensen/Misha, Dean/Cas and I thought it was hilarious and delightful. <3


dodger_sister August 5 2010, 02:35:01 UTC
I love to read Jensen/Misha too. This Jared/Misha thing kind of crept up on me, but now that I've started, I think I want to write more. It must be their dorkilicious selves calling out to me. :) Thanks - hliarious and delightful were exactly what I was going for! <3


alxtorres33 August 3 2010, 04:22:12 UTC
OMG that was just too adorable :) Loved their dorkiness >.< And I totally started shipping Jared and Misha after seeing their adorable dorkiness off screen but there's just not enough fics to go around!!!! Thanks for writing this definitely favoriting it!


dodger_sister August 5 2010, 02:30:33 UTC
Thanks! Jared and Misha have had some especially Goober-ific moments together off-screen, I had to ship them. I thought there would be tons of Jared/Misha fics out there, I was shocked to find out otherwise.

definitely favoriting it!

Yay! That makes me happy. :)


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