Info about the new companion *POTENTIAL SPOILERS*

Jun 15, 2012 13:52

At the moment, this is potentially speculative, and the info comes from an as yet un-aired interview with Steven Moffat for BBC Radio 5. But, according to DoctorWhoTV, Mr Moffat has said the following about the new companion:

Speculative spoilers under the cut )

speculation, listen what the moff says, jenna louise coleman, companions, spoilers

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Comments 43

bardingtide June 15 2012, 13:03:47 UTC
Fobwatched Romana.

Impractical, unlikely. But tis my canon.


morgondag June 15 2012, 13:11:41 UTC
That would make me so, so happy.


bardingtide June 15 2012, 13:22:16 UTC
I can even explain away "no links to previous characters."

It's not a link if she /is/ a previous character


eclecticmuse June 15 2012, 19:05:40 UTC
Your logic is sound.


evergleam83 June 15 2012, 13:27:25 UTC
I just really really really wanted her to be Jenny. Bumbling dad Eleven is all I want in the world!


captaintish June 15 2012, 15:41:35 UTC


donna_c_punk June 15 2012, 22:23:38 UTC
I'd actually love to see that.


carryinon23 June 24 2012, 23:35:17 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

the_willows June 15 2012, 13:54:41 UTC
Moffat you are talking out of you backside again. Could you not at least make her from a different time period for a bit of variety? Whilst I also appreciate companions from different time periods and planets, I've been watching Who since Pertwee was all up in my childhood. There are a lot of new viewers of all ages who just aren't familiar with the show and it's conceit. Not everyone has the means and money to go out and catch up with all of classic Who, and may not even want to, and that's their choice ( ... )


ccorday June 15 2012, 17:18:02 UTC
"There are a lot of new viewers of all ages who just aren't familiar with the show and it's conceit."

*knocks over tables and chairs*

Well they need their minds expanded, not coddled like all white Western youths are coddled these days. "Oh, we don't want to introduced too many new ideas to you at once, it might make you scared and hurt your feels." I'm seriously trying not to swear here and be bitchy, but the science fiction genre is supposed to drag people out of their little mundane worlds, not make them feel all safe and comfy.

In short, I really don't care about these imaginary "new fans" who will be turned off if a character in a science fiction television show doesn't remind them of their classmates or whatever this is supposed to mean. I will also add that since I'm American, I've learned lots of things about England and history that have nothing to do with my safe little upbringing in middle class USA. Stephen Moffat is not even English, he should know that people can cope with ideas and people that aren't from down the ( ... )


roseandheather June 15 2012, 17:27:08 UTC
I hate to put it this bluntly but - please stop being an ass. (Also, if you have to say "I'm not trying to be bitchy" you are already there.) You are not the sole audience of Doctor Who. For me the best intrigue of Who as a fandom is seeing what happens when an ordinary person encounters a time-travelling, all-but-omnisicent alien who can change history on a whim and holds the fate of entire galaxies in his hands. The fact that the companion is human and from the present day doesn't change how fantastical the stories are, and it certainly doesn't coddle the viewers. In fact, I'd argue it makes them coddled less, because in Who all these fantastical, crazy, heartbreaking, incredible things are happening to people just like us, not aliens from another world ( ... )


ragdoll June 15 2012, 13:50:37 UTC
At the risk of sounding bitchy here, I do not want her to be ( ... )


the_willows June 15 2012, 13:58:00 UTC
I don't want her to be any of those things either, so having no links to previous characters made me sigh with relief. :)


ragdoll June 15 2012, 14:07:01 UTC
Oh, me too. Although somehow, some fans just seem to think that it's the Moff being cagey and she really will turn out to be one of the above (if not more than one ><). I know he swore River was 100% human and of course, then she turned out to be 100% human PLUS (now with extra Time Lord D! N! A!), but I'd like to think he wouldn't repeat that trick so quickly. Or give us another companion connected to other people so soon after the whole Ponds and River story (which I absolutely LOVE, but don't want a rerun of within a year ( ... )


eaweek June 15 2012, 14:15:10 UTC
Well, Leela was also an alien technically, even if IIRC descended from humans on Earth.

I have no problems with another 21st century Earth companion, so long as she's interesting and has good chemistry with the Doctor.


darkestboy June 15 2012, 14:01:23 UTC
First gay companion?

No, that's being debated on Gallifreybase at the moment.

Intriguing spoilers though.


ragdoll June 15 2012, 14:07:50 UTC
First gay companion? Have they already forgotten about Jack and River? (Yes, yes, I know, they both are pansexual, but humans and their quaint labels and binary orientations...)


darkestboy June 15 2012, 14:13:29 UTC
No, Jack and River still get referenced but it was being debated on GB if Clara was going to be gay given that JLC has played a bisexual character on Emmerdale and Irene Adler was gay on Sherlock and obviously the fact that last season we had Canton, Vastra and Jenny. I'd like if she was but if she's not, that's fine too. Just hope her character doesn't fancy the Doctor, either way.


ragdoll June 15 2012, 14:23:58 UTC
I don't mind if she is gay as long as it feels organic to the story and not shoehorned in.

Considering this is the Moff and his obsession with lesbian spank inferno, anything is possible.

(I was really just questioning the idea that she'd be the first given that Jack and River precede her, as well as Canton. I was thinking of companions who travelled in the TARDIS for more than one story which is why I didn't mention Canton earlier.)


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