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Comments 20

halfapint August 25 2010, 22:54:41 UTC
EEEEE. This is actually porn, man. Don't cross it out. There's no denying it. I feel like I'm watching the TARDIS version of Top Gear. XD

I get so ridiculously excited whenever I see One's, Two's and Five's interiors. XD Should I be worried? Also - SECONDARY CONTROL ROOM! WARDROBE ROOM! Bonus!Turlough! Yum.

Not any chance we can get the few bedrooms we saw, is there? 8D Or I can try to find them myself and spam, if that's allowed... *feels like a busybody*


the_willows August 25 2010, 22:58:36 UTC
I came up lacking in quality shots of other rooms, but good lord, yes, feel free to spam any and all pictures you can find, it' all about the sharing! ♥


halfapint August 25 2010, 23:37:08 UTC
Quality is debatable, unfortunately, but I shall do my best. 8D

... )


kellwho August 26 2010, 00:19:50 UTC
I want Amy to get lost on the TARDIS and discover something nifty. Thanks for all the links!


maiamorgan August 25 2010, 23:40:41 UTC
By the gods, TARDIS PORN! *drool*


kellwho August 26 2010, 00:17:53 UTC
Oh, thank you for all these. *saves* Every version has it's own beauty. I'm dying to play with the console, I just want to fondle study her for scientific purposes. We definitely need to see more of this version, please Santa Moff?

... )


promethia_tenk August 26 2010, 00:36:45 UTC
^^^Every time the hot and cold taps get shown, I want them to be some sort of commentary on what's going on. Sadly I think the only time it actually applies is when he's running away from River :-(

Also, one of my favorite details in Nine/Ten's TARDIS was that post-it note with Gallifreyan writing stuck on the monitor. It's a post-it note!!!! With Gallifreyan!!!!! On the monitor!!!!!

Yeah, I'm pathetic, but I squee a little inside every time I see it.


apple_pathways August 26 2010, 01:11:46 UTC
You know what my favorite part of all the fiddly bits on the console is? That the TARDIS herself chose them all. "I know what I need! Hot and Cold taps, and a typewriter! That should keep him guessing..."

And yes, I'll co-sign that letter to Santa Moff; I'm so jealous of all the bonus!TARDIS rooms shown in previous Doctors' series.


light_frost August 26 2010, 02:25:14 UTC
She sure is one damn fine lady. ;D

It's really cool to see pictures of the TARDIS from Classic Who! I haven't watched much of Classic Who, so, yeah.


sharkshark August 26 2010, 05:40:15 UTC
The oldest console room is my favorite. I loved the shadowy bits in Hartnell's time, they gave the show and the TARDIS such an air of mystery and a little bit of creepiness. If you've not seen Edge of Destruction, watch it as soon as you can. It's only two episodes and it's creepy as hell and only takes place in the TARDIS. I love it so fucking much because it just WORKS because the TARDIS was so dark and mysterious back then. And that's not even mentioning the fantastic other rooms we got to see back then. There were several early serials where they would start out in some other room, and those are some of my favorites, just getting to see other rooms in the TARDIS. Like in The Chase when Vicki is wandering around bored, disrupting the rest of her shipmates. As much as I liked Nine and Ten's console rooms, I hated that we never got to see anything else beside the wardrobe, because I loved that in Classic Who, you actually saw the companions doing other stuff besides just standing around the console like they always seem to be ( ... )


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