There are no excuses for Néo, but there are explanations. They can be found in hir canon and hir scrapbook. Briefly, for those who actually care, shi and hir friend Pippi are pseudo-hermaphrodite nudists from the J-porn equivalent of Simoun. I'm not kidding here: it's got an all-female cast, playing characters who look female but technically aren't
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Earlier today we learned of the sudden passing of skywardprodigal. For those that did not know her, she was active in the early days of Dear Multiverse, both as moderator and as the player of Jun the Swan (shiratorijun).
On behalf of the moderators, our thoughts and condolences go to her close friends and family.
So, long time player here, new character, yadda yadda. There's some good links on the journal for anyone not familiar with the Highlander universe. I'm having a good time over in the Nexus, *Waves* (I haven't seen Derek in the Nexus in forever! So awesome!) but I've been wandering around the internet looking for a good Highlander RP. All the ones I
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Hello, hello! I played a bit here a while ago, but basically I am new, and this guy certainly is. His name is Nick Ryves and he's a character from The Demon's Lexicon by Sara Rees Brennan. I'm trying to get his voice, so please forgive if I struggle at first--I'll try to keep him as IC as possible and still have him actually speak words to other
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