Week 28: Chaos

Feb 03, 2008 01:40

The new theme didn't go up, so I'm going to do one just to keep things in a semi-orderly fashion. Please don't kill me!
It also seems to be a given that theme option #2 will always be images. XD

Option #1
Theme | Week 28: Chaos
Interpret as you see fit, be it with the imagery, text or both. Some synonyms for chaos can be found here.

Option #2
Cameos! And a Vergil.


Additional Comments

- You may submit up to three icons.
- You may not recycle old icons.
- Do not advertise your entry, or vote for your own icon.
- Respect.

All entries are due to this screened post by Friday, February 15th at 10:00 PM CST.

Want to suggest a theme? Do it here!

ALSO, please remember to vote in this week's contest! We've only received votes from two people so far. D:

week 28: chaos

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