Nothing else said caught much of Setsuna's attention. In fact, it was a wonder he even showed up, considering, but...the kid figured if Kira got on his case or asked why Setsuna wasn't doing much, he could use meeting new people as proof that wasn't the case. was sheer luck he wasn't asleep during this arrival.
"Paradise?" was what he had picked up on, curling his tone around the word curiously. "What's this paradise like?" the blond asks, leaning against the gate, casually.
It's a wolf. A big wolf. Rukia's relieved to see the boy there already and clings to Setsuna's pant leg, peering out from just behind him without saying anything. Definitely something supernatural afoot here, she thinks.
But is it friend or foe? It's hard to say. So Rukia stays hidden behind Setsuna for the time being. Of course, she'll be there with bells on if the wolf is determined to prove himself dangerous -- Kuchikis are not cowards! -- but...
But for now she only feels slightly guilty about hiding behind Setsuna. What big teeth he has...
"Huh?" Puzzled, Setsuna turns to look back at Rukia. "...I thought you didn't need protection?" he asks teasingly,, reaching to rub his knuckles on Rukai's head a bit, but he makes no effort to move; of course, he'll protect her and hide her.
New arrival. Impressive, dangerous-looking new arrival. Hiruma grins and leans against the gates, large gun slung over one shoulder. "Not impressed by humans, fucking new guy?"
Tsume starts, and stiffens at the sight of the gun, then grins back. This one reminds him a little bit of the humans he ran with before he got dragged into all the paradise bullshit. "Never. Freaks of nature, the whole lot of 'em. Who the hell are you, then?"
Susan regarded the new arrival thoughtfully, arms folded. She could see the human shape that it wore to pass clearly enough -- and just as clearly, she could see the wolf-shape.
Well, it was far from the oddest thing she'd ever seen, at any rate. The only question was what kind of being it was: good, indifferent, or worthy of the fireplace poker.
"What are you, then, and where are you from?" she asked. Might as well get to the point.
Well, at least it was pretty obvious this woman wasn't human. Where all the female here able to see through illusions? Tsume didn't know, but nor did he like it one bit. He bristled. "Who wants to know?"
"I'm Tsume. A wolf." He still doesn't trust her, though. "Yeah, I'll take that. Where I come from alot of people hate wolves, so I think I'm allowed to be suspicious."
Doll didn't really care about wolves masquerading around as people. It also didn't scare her to see a huge one hanging about, in the least.
What she did care about had to deal with what she asks: "It sounds like you don't like humans. Is that because you're not one? Did they do mean things to wolves where you're from? Or do you just see them beneath you like some of the angels where I come from?"
"I'll take option b, kiddo. Are you people all weird like this?" Gods, he's tired of this. Why can't people just be polite and see not see him as a big fucking wolf?
"The second one, I meant." He's growling, now, pissed as hell. It's enough that people see too clearly round here, but do they have to act stupid as well? Honestly, one more dumb word and he's gonna snap. "Where I come from, people hate wolves."
"That depends on the bear, I suppose. I understand some of them have picnics, but you're not supposed to go to the woods those days, which seems inhospitable. And then there's something called a Pooh. But new experiences are thought to be broadening, if you enjoy being broadened. Do you?"
Tsume blinks. It reminds him disturbingly of the time Toboe found and ate a bag of gone-bad sugar. The kid was talking like that from noon until dawn the next day. Once he sorts through the riddles, though, he smirks. "It depands on the kind of broadening you're talking about, cat."
Comments 95 was sheer luck he wasn't asleep during this arrival.
"Paradise?" was what he had picked up on, curling his tone around the word curiously. "What's this paradise like?" the blond asks, leaning against the gate, casually.
But is it friend or foe? It's hard to say. So Rukia stays hidden behind Setsuna for the time being. Of course, she'll be there with bells on if the wolf is determined to prove himself dangerous -- Kuchikis are not cowards! -- but...
But for now she only feels slightly guilty about hiding behind Setsuna. What big teeth he has...
The sooner he knows, the sooner he can leave, the much, much better.
Well, it was far from the oddest thing she'd ever seen, at any rate. The only question was what kind of being it was: good, indifferent, or worthy of the fireplace poker.
"What are you, then, and where are you from?" she asked. Might as well get to the point.
What she did care about had to deal with what she asks: "It sounds like you don't like humans. Is that because you're not one? Did they do mean things to wolves where you're from? Or do you just see them beneath you like some of the angels where I come from?"
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