Specifically, a monster attack. But not just any monster, a genetically modified super-monster. Yuca has finally created an Angel... and it just happened to escape in the crate in the warehouse and decided to go feast.
What's an "Angel", you ask? It's a monster, which used to be a coeurl (and looks kind of like
THIS except just one head and still looks kiiind of like a beefed up
coeurl), that will be roaming around Discedo and attacking just about everything for three days.
On Thursday, January 13, the Angel will break free and begin roaming. It'll attack anything, from other monsters to people to pets. It bites like a feral cat except stronger and rougher. It can also claw and pounce on people and can deeply tear through flesh in one swipe. (Think about tigers. Then think about tigers on steroids. Then think about tigers on steroids that get genetically enhanced. Yeeeaaaahhhh.)
Not only that, but because it was originally a coeurl, it also comes with the abilities of one, including shocking charge which delivers much pain to the enemy, as well as strong, painful whips from the two large whiskers and tail.
In short? This bitch ain't goin' down easy.
Because this sucker is hard to kill, it will be on the prowl for a good two/three days. It's pretty much bulletproof (bullets hit, but they don't do much damage at all) and just cutting and stabbing do nothing. To kill an Angel, you have to basically chop enough to lose most of its blood, or burn it.
But capturing it or stopping it in order to murder it will also be difficult. Not only is the Angel strong, it's also fast, alert and it will run at the first sign of "oh shit something's gonna kill me".
On Saturday, January 15, it'll finally die. But that's where you guys come in!
Who wants to die, who wants to get hurt, and who wants to slay the Angel?
I can make a post for Cecil on Thursday to start the plot, but then it's a free-for-all!
FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO KILL IT, plot in this place so you all know who wants to do what!