*scratces head*

Jun 22, 2015 16:38


I am SO confused on how to sign up and how to post.

If June is Free Flying and it means This means that any member can post up to 3 recs on those months and nobody can sign up to rec for any of the categories for either month. Does this mean that I can just go and post a recommendation ( Read more... )

about: dig is rambling & makes no sense, about: livejournal, about: curious dig is curious

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Comments 57

my_thestral June 22 2015, 20:46:29 UTC
Oh, man, the way you put it, I'm my own momma now! :D Don't ask me, I just thought it was funny, cause I'm terrible with any kind of rules and if you, the ultimate fest-master think it's complicated... damn, just... damn! :D
I bet the mods can untangle that for you - I'll be lurking about, see if I can learn something. Never mind me, I cast a very short shadow... ;)


digthewriter June 22 2015, 20:49:43 UTC

Also I wish there were 'author' tags so I could see which author has been recommended - b/c I don't wanna rec more fics by the same author all the time.

Thanks for reading. haha


gracerene June 22 2015, 20:52:58 UTC
If you check out the memories on the sidebar of the comm, it'll take you to a list of all the pairings, and when you click on the pairings, it has the title and author, so you can see which authors are frequently recced that way.


digthewriter June 22 2015, 20:56:29 UTC
That just means extra work and I is lazy ♥

... )


capitu June 22 2015, 20:49:27 UTC
I think it means in June you can post up to 3 fanworks without having to sign up. I think June and December are the free flying months.

For the other months do you have to sign up.

And to sign up you just comment saying something like, "Can I have X month to rec, say, NextGen (or whatever you want)" in the specific post made for that category from the list of links they have in their sticky.

I'm guessing a mod will reply you saying you're good for that month or if it's taken or something. :)

It's not complicated! It only seems that way if it's your ~first time~. :D

Of course, I don't know if I'm being clear at all. LOL

I should sign up, too. I've been meaning to for ages. ^^


digthewriter June 22 2015, 20:52:12 UTC
It's not complicated! It only seems that way if it's your ~first time~. :D

LOL, I am sure. Everything is difficult with the first step! :D ♥ I just don't want to mess up the order by doing something wrong so I figured I could just ramble on here first.


capitu June 22 2015, 20:53:01 UTC
Oh! And to post a rec they have all these nifty fancy tempates that all you have to do is fill with the fic/art info and your thoughts on the work. :)

You also find those in the pages where you sign up for a month.


digthewriter June 22 2015, 20:55:08 UTC
LOL... yeah the 'posting template' is also very intimidating! ♥ I'm just being a goofball


gracerene June 22 2015, 20:52:02 UTC
1. Yes, since June is free-flying, you can go and post any rec you want right now. It should follow the reccing form, but no prior approval needed.

2. if you are only going to be reccing a single Next Gen pairing (like James/Albus) then you should comment on the featured pairing with the pairing and month you want. But if you are going to rec a combo of diff next gen pairings, then you should comment on the next gen post with the month you want

3. If you don't want to commit to four fic recs for a pairing on a regular month, you can always just pick a character, and sign up for a featured character. Which means you'd have to rec four fics with that character in it. So if you picked Draco, any Draco pairing would work


digthewriter June 22 2015, 20:54:34 UTC
But... when is it determined what character is "featured character?"


gracerene June 22 2015, 20:56:53 UTC
In your comment. Say you have four fics with Charlie that you really like and want to rec and have never been recced before, Charlie/Draco, 2 Charlie/Harry, and Charlie/Neville.

You see that nobody has claimed Charlie for next month, so you go to the Featured Character post and say "I'd like to rec Charlie in July" and that signs you up. And then in July you post your recs.


digthewriter June 22 2015, 20:58:10 UTC
Is there a limit in how many recommendators (totally a word) can sign up for a month?


birdsofshore June 22 2015, 21:07:35 UTC
I've got to admit, I think the crackbroom is great and the mods and reccers do a great job. BUT. The difficulty I had with the admin on the one occasion I did sign up for a month has put me off doing it again.

I do find things like that a bit tricky, but it seemed especially complicated to me. I would have liked to have all of the relevant info in one place, but I had to search for things, like templates, rules, etc. I found the list of previously recced authors a PITA to search through, and the rules about re-reccing are quite strict so it was necessary to do that for each one.

I'm not saying this just to gripe, I really think it could attract more people if it was easier to be a flyer. Mods! I know you're so busy! Don't hate me, please...


digthewriter June 22 2015, 21:10:02 UTC
I found the list of previously recced authors a PITA to search through

I think this is pretty much why I still haven't actually signed up.


iwao June 22 2015, 21:07:35 UTC
Hi dig! Free Flying month means that none of the usual rules apply, if you want to post a rec, you go and post a rec, you don't have to put your name down on anything first, you don't have to commit to a minimum of recs, you don't have to sign up for "nextgen" or any other brooms. You simply go and post, using the header on the broom you've chosen. The entries are moderated, so you won't see the rec immediately, only once we approve it. And that is pretty much it. In the "Gateway Post" you'll find links to every one of the ships we have, nextgen being one. You click on the link and it takes you to the page for that ship, and there you copy/paste the header. You don't have to put your name down or tell us in advance that you are posting. And that's all there is to it. I'm sorry if you find it confusing and will have a word with


birdsofshore June 22 2015, 21:10:57 UTC
Iwao! *waves* I should really have PMed the mods privately, but I've been thinking of it for a while and then I saw this post and...

I did really have trouble when I was the flyer for a month. I made one rec during free flying month and cocked that up for totally different reasons (blushes at tbc), but when I had to do it 4 times a month it nearly sent me grey. I am a dimwit at such things, but there are a lot of us dimwits around. I think it would be great if you could simplify things a little...


iwao June 22 2015, 21:17:02 UTC
Hi Birds! *waves back*

You know we took over the comm in April, and it turned out to be a lot of work. Everything was in shambles, tbh. We are little by little working on making things simpler, but even updating the tags is a Herculean work (you can ask tbc, she's the one doing it! D:) Only today we have decided that the minimum four recs can now be fic, art, video or podfic, since before you were supposed to commit to four fic recs and then extra recs on any other type. Everything is very outdated and very complicated, and yeah, I agree it needs work. We will get round to do it. To tell you the truth, we were a bit scared that we were changing things too much too quickly!

I hope we'll get it to a point soon where you'll feel comfortable reccing again! *hugs*


digthewriter June 22 2015, 21:23:26 UTC
You guys are the best!


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