John/Aeryn Pic!spam, part III

Sep 20, 2008 16:22

Tomorrow is the Emmys and I had to find something to keep me busy until then.
I've been following a lot of pic!spams from my f-list lately, so I thought I'd carry on with my John/Aeryn one. I've been looking forward to the next "chapter" for a long time. I mean, it's season 3! And I LOVE season 3!
So here we go!
Mind you, a lot of things happen in season 3, so there are a lot more pics this time around. I tried to cut a few things, but I couldn't. I just love the angst! :)

( Season 1 // Season 2 // Season 3)

This is also aimed at those who didn't watch the show (yet!), just 'cause you can never have enough Farscape fans on your flist. :)

So here we go!

Brief recap for the non-scapers:
Last time we saw our heroes, Scorpius, the scary, leathery, lizard-looking creature, had gone away with the chip that was inside John Crichton's head, and had left Crichton on an operating table with his brain exposed and damaged in a way that he wasn't able to talk.
OH! And Aeryn was dead.
The chip had taken over Crichton's head and he went on and... killed her.

Of course the deal with the speech and Crichton's brain is resolved in a heartbeat, the doctor just goes along and fixes him. However, Aeryn is still dead. Frozen, actually.

So it's up to Zhaan to save the day! She's the only one who knows that Aeryn isn't quite dead yet. Almost, but not yet. So she "enters" Aeryn's mind in a crazy attempt to bring it back.
It's actually a beautiful scene. Through their connection, Aeryn gets to know just how much it would cost Zhaan if she helped her, so she refuses. Zhaan, however, tells her she shouldn't do it for her, but for Crichton.


Aeryn and Crichton's reunion is so sweet!

I must admit, however, that I liked Aeryn and Pilot's reunion a bit more.
I just love their bond.

After everything that happened, John realizes he can't waste any time, they both (FINALLY) tell each other they love each other, and just go for it. Well, at least until Aeryn stops him. Again.

As it happens, saving Aeryn's life is costing Zhaan hers. She's dying.

After that, Aeryn and Crichton start keeping each other at a certain distance.

... But that doesn't last for very long, no.

All is well in the end!

But, again, not for long.

OH! A little piece of news about season 3: Stark suddenly develps a crush on Aeryn.
And that girl right there is Jool. She takes Zhaan's place in the crew.
This is probably the only pic of her that I'll post. She's annoying and irritating, and in no way she replaces Zhaan. Nuh-uh!

Zhaan says goodbye to the crew... Aeryn is devastated.

Zhaan dies saving the day.

Crichton and Aeryn keep bickering.

... but then they're all cool again in a second.
Yeah, it's a complicated relationship.
But WAIT! It gets much worse!

TA DA!!!
When you thought things couldn't get more confused between these two, Crichton gets twinned.
And yes, it's twinned, not cloned. Neither of them is a clone. As freaky-monster-whose-picture-I-won't-post puts it: they're both equal and original.
They're both John Crichton.

Somehow, that doesn't make Aeryn very happy.
ALTHOUGH, I must admit... having two Crichtons around (and crazy about you!), is not a bad thing to happen.
But hey, it's Aeryn. Remember, she's an alien.

She gives one of the Crichtons a green shirt just so the fans can tell them apart.
From now on, green-Crichton will be known as Moya-John, while black-Crichton will be called Talyn-John.
You'll know why in a few pics.

LOOK WHO'S BACK! It's Captain Crais!
He's shocked to know that Aeryn is still alive, and gives her a little gift.

It's a recording of a meeting between a young Aeryn and her mother.
I love how innocent Aeryn looks when she's watching it.

Crais tells her that her mother is out there, hunting down Talyn and pretty much wanting to kill everyone. Aeryn decides to go to Talyn with Crais and look for her mother.
Meanwhile, Talyn-Crichton almost kills himself.

So Moya-Crichton finishes the job with one of my favorite quotes from the series: "Cross my heart, slap me dead, stick a lobster on my head."
Not to mention the infamous John/D'Argo moment:

John: Who's your daddy? D'Argo, tell them who their daddy is.
D'Argo: I'm your daddy!

Talyn-John takes the opportunity to go Talyn and leave along with Aeryn.
And that's why we call him Talyn-John.

The other Crichton stays behind on Moya, all jealous and angry.
That's why he's Moya-John!
And he'll suffer. A LOT.
Just keep watching.

Talyn-John, on the other hand, is happy that he'll have all the time in the universe to make things right with Aeryn.
There's just one small obstacle on the way, though...


Talyn-John watching Crais/Aeryn porn.
That... doesn't really make things better.

Aaaaand they bicker and argue again.

John, as usual, realizes he's made a mistake a bit too late.

And here's an interesting twist, turns out there was someone else on Talyn also interested in Aeryn: Talyn himself!
So he locks John outside because that kid is stuborn and jealous. Oh! And Talyn was also the one who made that fake Aeryn/Crais porn video. Don't ask me how, though!
But seriously, people, who isn't interested in Aeryn?
We got two Johns, Crais, Stark, and now Talyn?

But we all know who Aeryn loves. ♥

And here's why she loves him.
He pulls her by the hand and shows her his star chart.

He tells her that the brightest star outside (that one shining between them in both pictures) is always at the center of his chart. It's his guide, his one constant.
And he named the star Aeryn. ♥

Meanwhile, Moya-John is bleeding, the crew pretty much hates him and he's all depressed.

Although, let's face it people. We've got two Johns. The show can't go on with two Johns. One of them will obviously get a tragic ending at some point. Who do you think it will be, sad-and-angsty John, or happy-and-in-love John?
Come on...

BUT lets not discuss this just yet.

Because at the other side of the galaxy, Aeryn and Talyn-John are doing something much more interesting. *wink wink*

And all the fans go: FINALLY!!!!
Just look at them. They're so happy! :)

Oh, meet Xhalax Sun, aka Aeryn's mommy.
What a happy mother/daughter reunion!

Meanwhile, Crais and Crichton are... bonding.

Aeryn is so bad-ass she'll hold up a gun even at her own mother.

But turns out she's not able to pull the trigger.
Crais doesn't seem to have a problem doing it, though.
Crichton also shows up and helps Aeryn walk away.

As she's walking, Aeryn remembers that one moment where her mother told her she wasn't born because Peacekeepers needed more soldiers, but because her parents loved each other. And her.

She decides to go back and stop Crais, but they hear the gun shots.
It's too late.

As always, Crichton is there to support Aeryn.

Meanwhile, Moya-John has found a way to get back at Scorpius by entering his brain and torturing him for a change.
Oh, yeah! Revenge is sweet, baby!

BUT Talyn-John is still the happier John, because now he and Aeryn have suddenly gone all naughty.

Trust me, people, as sweet as it may seem, flirty!Aeryn is NOT a good sign.
But does John worry about it? BAH! Please...

No, they definitely don't care about anything else.
Until, of course, John notices a weird mist of sorts... And turns out the mist is the one causing their strange behaviour.

Like when they can barely keep their hands off each other even when it looks like Talyn will melt down.

"Where were we?"

I love dorky!Aeryn.

But apart from dorky!Aeryn and all the hot scenes with our favorite couple, Meltdown is one boring episode.

On the other hand, "Scratch 'n Sniff" one is one of my very favorites. If not my all-time favorite.
Just look at those pictures. They'll tell you everything you need to know.

Plus, D'Argo gets to meet Harvey, aka the Scorpy clone in John's head!!!
Harvey is my favorite Farscape character. Along with D'Argo (and Crichton and Aeryn, of course). So this scene is truly important to me. :)

Pilot throws John and D'Argo off the ship because they're so childish.

John: See. I did my best.
D'Argo: Your best was to blow it!
John: I did my best!
D'Argo: And you blew it!
John: D'Argo, he's kicking us off Moya 'cause we argue.
D'Argo: He's kicking us off Moya because you argue.
John: No, we argue.
D'Argo: You argue!
John: We! You--
D'Argo: You argue.
John: You, you, we, ah! We argue -- you would argue with a lampost!
D'Argo: I do not-- open the door.
John: You open it.
D'Argo: You open the door!
John: What, you're a girl? I'm not gonna open the door for you! Open the door!
D'Argo: I-I'm older than you, show some respect! You open the door.
John: You can open it-- I'm not opening the door.
D'Argo: I'm not opening the door-- you open it.

As great as D'Argo and Crichton are, lets go back to the main theme of this spam for a moment.
Here we have another sweet and precious moment between them, where Talyn-John is teaching English to Aeryn.

Not only that, but Aeryn agrees to go to Earth with him, something she'd never do in the past.
Oh yeah, that can only mean something really bad is going to happen.

... and they know it!

What, you want further proof? Crichton and Aeryn are all worried because "Jack" (an alien who took the form of John's father... but they all know he's not his father) is about to try and remove Harvey from John's brain.

John passes out, Aeryn goes to him and SURPRISE! Harvey has once again taken over John.

Harvey taunts Aeryn, saying John is dead and there's nothing she can do to save him. Aeryn decides to do the honorable thing for John and save him from this torture...

But "Jack" arrives just in time to stop her! (Way to go, man!) After all, what Harvey said wasn't true, he was only trying one desperate attempt to have John killed before he left his brain for good.

John is ok, Harvey is gone! ♥

It's Aeryn vs alien car. Who do you think wins?
Of course it's Aeryn! :)
Did I tell you how much she rules?

And here we got the turning point of this so-far-perfect story between Aeryn and Talyn-John.
He sees massive radiation coming out of this... box thingy. He has to try and close it somehow.
The light blinks sometimes, so if he ccould only time his jump to the box with the blinking, he'll be ok.

It doesn't work. He closes the box, but the radiation hits him.
Poor Crichton, just when things were finally getting better for him...

Aeryn is not happy to hear about it, either.

John risks everything by doing one last desperate attempt to stop bad guys from attacking.
He saves the day, but somehow Aeryn is still sad.

John Crichton's last moments.
And Crais proves to Crichton just how wonderful his character has become.

Crais: The radiation sickness treatments from Talyn's emergency kits should--
John: Relax. That was a big hit. Nothing to be done. And I hate long goodbyes.
Crais: Your sacrifice... does not go unnoted, Commander.
John: Crais... you find the better part of yourself. You have to take care of them.
Crais: I will. I hope you can believe that. Goodbye, Crichton.

Crais is one of the greatest characters ever written.

Meanwhile, Aeryn is sitting beside John's bed, watching everyone say their goodbyes. Even Stark, who ends up taking more than John's pain with him. Don't worry, there will be more on that later.

So now it's Aeryn's turn. And I can't think of anything to say, I'll leave you with their own words.

Aeryn: I'm very angry.
John: Me too.
Aeryn: We had good times.
John: I wouldn't change it for the world. You made me a better person.
Aeryn: That wasn't hard. I love you. So much.
John: I love you.
Aeryn: I would've gone to Earth.
John: I'm sorry you never got to meet my dad. My real dad. I'm sorry I never met your dad. I'm sorry about a lot of things.
Aeryn: Don't be. I don't want you to go that way.
John: I won't.
Aeryn: What?
John: They say... it's lucky when an ambitious man goes when he's ready. That said... Scorpius is gone, I'm at peace, I don't hurt. I... I did some good things. I'm proud of my life... when I'm with you.
[They kiss]
John: Don't worry about me. I've never felt better.

And with that, John is gone, Aeryn is in unbearable pain, and the Farscape saga ends.

Oh no, wait! I forgot, we still have Moya-John out and about. And he's in a coma, hallucinating with cartoons. Look, there's even a cartoon!Aeryn!

To make things even worse for poor Moya-John, he only recovers from his coma when he realizes that what keeps him alive is his love for Aeryn.
Oh boy... that can't be good.

Because at the other side of the galaxy, Aeryn is having visions of John all over the place.
And she's in a pretty bad shape.

Oh and she's drunk.

Which makes her even more threatening.
I would advise both Stark and Crais to keep their distance.

Aeryn and her John re-enact the kiss from "A Human Reaction", with their roles reversed.

But it's all in her head.

Seeing Aeryn like this breaks my heart.

She decides to deal with her pain the only way she knows how: by completely refusing to feel anything at all.
Aeryn is back to her Peacekeeper mode.

But John, on the other hand, is pretty excited when he hears Aeryn is coming back to Moya.
He asks D'Argo what shirt he should wear, green or black.
D'Argo obviously chooses the black one, since the green looked weird on him. Which begs the question: when Talyn-John wasn't around to confuse people, why didn't Moya-John just wear the black shirt?
Oh of course, just so the fans could know right away if it's a Moya episode or a Talyn episode.

John is happier than ever when he sees Aeryn walking towards him.

... but she completely ignores him and walks past him. John goes "WTF?" and Crais tells him what happened.
Suddenly, John isn't all that happy anymore.

He gets some of his stuff back from Talyn-John's posessions, including a message for him, from Stark.
Remember I said Stark took more than Talyn-John's pain with him? Turns out John left a message with him, to be delivered to Moya-John.

But Moya-John doesn't want to hear anything from the guy who walked away with everything he had, just yet. Instead, he keeps trying to talk to Aeryn.

But she keeps ignoring him again and again.
Seriously, dude, the woman doesn't wanna talk! Don't insist!

Well, there's one good news: they can still work together and save the day when they need to.

John finally hears Talyn-John's message.
He tells him about Scorpius and... stuff (even though Moya-John now knows more about him than the other John ever did) and also tells him about Aeryn.
"Be smart. Don't push her. She takes time."

They do one last game of "rock, paper, scissors" and it's a tie. Apparently, they're still one and the same after all...
Aeryn watches everything.

She still won't speak to John, though.

Eventually, she does. But somehow it doesn't make them feel any better.

Aeryn: I just can't watch that happen... again. It was perfect. We were so perfect. And you're just like him. I mean, you are him.
John: No, I'm me. I was here. I missed that dance.

The whole crew then goes to Scorpius' Command Carrier to set their plan in action.
Aeryn is happy to be back to her old life... That is, until she's greeted with that polite Peacekeeper welcome.

Will someone explain to me why the Peacekeepers have this huge in-door garden??

Not only that, but they also have a room full of floating balls of energy, and a sauna!
It's a strange, strange place, this Command Carrier.

Crichton unlocks the wormhole knowledge inside his head. That's what Scorpius wants.
He can't let him have it, though. And he realizes the only thing he can do to stop him is to... blow up the Command Carrier!

It's not an easy task, though. But one of them has a plan.

However, this John doesn't trust him.
Talyn-John didn't get to know Scorpius the way Moya-John did.
But Moya-John didn't get to know Crais the way Talyn-John did.

Aeryn trusts him, though, and says goodbye.

Both Crais and Talyn leave the Farscape universe, kicking ass and taking names.
Talyn starbursts while still inside the Carrier and the whole place goes KABOOM!
(no worries about Moya's crew, though, they all leave in time.)

First Aeryn, then Zhaan, then Talyn-John, then Crais and Talyn.
This is why Season 3 is known as the "Season of death".

Now we come to the end of the season, and Crichton and Aeryn are buying her wedding dress and planning their future together on Earth.
Wait. What?

OH! Right. It's just another one of Crichton's hallucinations.

The crew is finally happy with Scorpius gone and no threats to their lives for a change.
They all start planning their trip back home.
Crichton and Aeryn are not happy with it, though.

Oh! And we have a new crew member! No one knows her name and no one knows how she got there. She's also making Crichton's hallucinations worse and she keeps whispering something to his ear in a strange language.

He doesn't seem to notice her, though, and keeps dreaming of his wedding with Aeryn.

But it turns into a nightmare, when he sees the Peacekeepers crashing the wedding and killing everyone, including Aeryn.

John realizes he can't go back to Earth and have Aeryn. He has to pick one.

So he picks Aeryn! ♥

But it's not so simple.
It's never simple with these two.

Aeryn is leaving. He wants to go with her, but she doesn't want him to.

So they decide to leave their future in the hands of fate, aka a coin toss.
If Aeryn wins, she'll leave and Crichton will stay. If Crichton wins, he'll go with her.

Aeryn wins.

Just when Crichton thought he had enough as he's floating all alone and almost out of fuel outside Moya, inside his module, Harvey shows up! He "translates" what the old woman whispered in his ear so that Crichton can understand: "Aeryn is with child."

But before he can go back to Moya and go after Aeryn, a wormhole shows up, out of the blue, pulls Moya inside (along with Pilot, Jool, and the old woman), and then closes again, leaving John all alone.

And that's the end of season 3: John, inside his module, out of fuel, floating in space.
His last words say it all: "You've got to be kidding me!"

[all caps are from here and here]

otp: john/aeryn, moments project, pic!spam, tv: farscape

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