Title: What It Takes to Find The Real Soulmate
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), ChiiTaro, YamaJima
Rated: PG
Genre: Fluff, romance,
Summary: It's the real thing of them.
A/N: YamaChii is killing me with their moments at HK concert (><) I cant stand YamaJima now!
It will take a pain, regret, but at least you get the real love in your life... )
Comments 27
Of course YamaChii is REAL! The reason why they're the only OTP I ship. I find other OTP cute too, but all of my attention is for YamaChii only.They're the only OTP whom I really adore. <3
It seems this is the best fic to beat them all ne ^^
There's no end for YamaChii
YamaChii will surely alive,forever..
not that great!
thanks for reading :)
yamachii is REAL <3
there might be some times yamada is not showing his genuine love for chinen but when he do shows it, it is really amazing, right! =)
i think he has a purpose on it, he wants us to miss their sweetness and when he hears that we're complaining enough, he'll start on showing how much he loves chinen more than anyone else resulting us to have a severe heart attacks and nosebleeds :)
and i just noticed that you listed me as your friend, i'm not aware of this D:
what shall i call you?=)
/adds back
hontou ka?
i just writed it following my mood.
yoroshiku. u can call me Decchan like everyone do ^^
what shall i call u too?
aa sou ka ne,
decchan, yoroshiku ne =)
you can call me either nodoka or Jass :D
I love it i love it
you make me feel okay again
because i totally worry about Yamajima
but I know Yamachii always real
the real couple
I love them'we love them so much
they can make us happy
they can make us smile XDDD
LOL sorry2..but I love this fics so much
this fics become my fav one ^^
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